B.S. Oberlin College (1980)
Ph.D. University of Maryland (1985)
Trained as a solid state theorist, in the mid-1990's I started to explore ways in which the computational tools used in research could expand and enliven courses for both graduate and undergraduate students. This led to the study of new technologies for supporting learning and ways to help other faculty take advantage of these tools.
My work now focuses on efforts to enhance physics and astronomy education through web-based resources. I am director of the AAPT/ComPADRE network of educational resource collections (http://www.compadre.org), an ecosystem of electronic resources and services of the American Association of Physics Teachers. Examples include hosting the online components and proceedings of the annual Physics Education Research Conference and the Advanced Labs Topical Conferences. ComPADRE also hosts physics education resources for the Open Source Physics community.
Recent projects supported by ComPADRE include the Partnership for Integration of Computation into Undergraduate Physics, PICUP and the Living Physics Portal for community development and sharing of learning resources for introductory physics for life sciences majors courses.