B.S. Rice University (1971)
Ph.D. Rice University (1976)
Since my official retirement at the end of 2010, I have diversified my scholarly interests and activities. I remain very interested in the theoretical quantum physics of atoms and molecules and am collaborating with Eric Abraham and his experimental group on a project designed to use a special configuration of laser beams to the interaction energy between two atoms. In another project I'm using a methodology called quantum defects in very simple models to explain otherwise hard-to-understand properties of atoms and molecules. I also greatly enjoy helping other faculty and students with their professional interests, problems, and projects as the opportunity arises.
My main scholarly activity, however, has focused on writing. I am completing the second volume of my undergraduate textbook, "The Joy of Quantum Physics" (under contract at Oxford University Press) and a book on writing, "Effective Scientific Writing for Students of the Sciences and Engineering" (also under contract at Oxford).After completing these books, I plan to begin a new project: a book (for a non-specialist audience) about the periodic table of the elements (how it came about, the people who developed it, insights into nature it can reveal, the relevance of it and many of the elements of daily life, and so on). After that: a "user's guide" to the application of quantum scattering theory to problems in current research. After that, I may actually retire.