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Frequently Asked Questions

Please read this list of frequently asked questions and if your question is not answered, please contact us at and we would be happy to assist you.

Group of students working in library

Admissions Process

Students can review their application checklist at to see if all the required items have been received. 

Once all items have been received at OU, a student’s application will be reviewed and student’s should hear back within 2 week about their admissions status. If a student is applying Test Optional, their application will be reviewed by an admissions committee and may take up to 3 weeks for admissions status. 

If you have submitted all documents and have waited the allotted time, students may email with their name and ID to receive a status update of their application review status.

High school juniors and seniors, whether you are a resident of Oklahoma or from another state, are eligible for Concurrent Enrollment at the University of Oklahoma. Review the three eligibility options.


You will need to complete a CE Recommendation Form (pdf) and make an advising appointment each semester you wish to enroll in.


Please reference this document (pdf) for a full understanding of admission standards and timelines.

Here is a helpful guide for students, parents and educators about the admissions requirements and course placement.

Transcripts & Test Scores

You can request transcripts through the Office of the Registrar.

If you are near campus, you can get a copy of your OU transcript in person at the Office of Enrollment Services and Academic Records in Buchanan Hall, 1000 Asp Avenue room 230. Photo ID is required. Regular business hours are Monday - Friday 8 am to 5 pm.

If you are not near campus, you can order online through Parchment to obtain either a printed or electronic transcript.

Keep in mind that if you have a hold on your transcript, we may not be able to release your transcript even if you come in person. Feel free to contact us via phone at 405-325-4147 or via email at to determine whether your hold will impact our ability to release your transcript. 

  • Prior learning assessment credit posted on transcripts from institutions in the Oklahoma State System of Higher Education will transfer to the University subject to the same conditions as resident credit from these campuses.
  • Prior learning assessment credit posted on transcripts from all other appropriately accredited institutions will be accepted by the University as long as the credit was earned through one of the prior learning assessment mechanisms mentioned in this website. The dean of the college in which a student will earn a degree will determine how this credit applies toward the degree.

Coursework & Grading

The combined total of your enrollment at your high school and at the University of Oklahoma may not exceed 19 semester hours without special permission.

For this purpose, the University will assume that any high school course enrollment is the equivalent of 3 semester hours. As an example, if you will be enrolled in two high school courses in your last high school semester, you could enroll in up to 13 semester hours of coursework at the University. You may enroll in a maximum of 9 semester hours during a summer session without being concurrently enrolled in high school classes during the summer term.

OU courses completed under Concurrent Enrollment will count as regular college credits earned at the University of Oklahoma. There is a General Education Planner for the University of Oklahoma that will assist you in planning what courses you will take that will satisfy your 40 hour general education program requirement.

Yes. You will be enrolled, examined, and evaluated in the same manner as any other student in the course.

Concurrent Enrollment students are most of the time limited to the times they can take OU CE classes due to their high school schedules and travel time. Most Concurrent Enrollment students pick morning or afternoon courses so that you will either come to OU at the beginning of the day or end your day here.

Most OU classes meet regularly either three times a week on Monday (M), Wednesday (W), Friday (F) OR twice a week on Tuesday (T) and Thursday (R). Classes start at 7:30 and end by 5:45 each day

  • MWF classes begin on every half-hour, with 50 minute classes.
    • Example: Your class might be from 7:30-8:20 or 1:30-2:20
  • TR classes begin on the hour or half-hour, with one hour and 15 minutes classes. 
    • Example: Your class might be from 7:30-8:45 or 12:00-1:15
  • Evening classes vary in times from one night per week to two nights per week.

View a complete list of great concurrent courses to consider on our Featured Courses page.  

Additionally, students can search ClassNav for additional offerings. Please note, if you are wanting in a higher section course, you will either need to assess and/or receive approval to enroll from the professor before our advisors can enroll you.

Please note and review the add/drop windows for the semesters in which you are enrolled on the Academic Calendars page.

  • Yes! Despite having a 19+ on ACT/SAT in math, you are still required to take a math assessment before you can earn college math credit. ACT/SAT scores do not remove the assessment requirement.
  • If you have AP test scores that provide college credit, please ensure you send those in and review our AP equivalencies.
  • If you have taken College Algebra or higher at any other institution, please provide that institution's official transcript by emailing it to

High school students concurrently enrolled in college courses may continue concurrent enrollment in subsequent semesters if they achieve a college grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or above on a 4.0 scale. Therefore, a concurrent student who fails to achieve the requisite 2.0 college GPA shall not be eligible for concurrent enrollment at any State System institution.

Additionally, congruous with the State Regents’ Grading policy, if a concurrent enrollment student’s college GPA falls within a range that requires one to be placed on academic probation, the academic probationary status shall be notated on the academic transcript. Following high school graduation, a student who has been concurrently enrolled as a high school student may be admitted to the original institution of concurrent enrollment or another institution in the State System if the student meets the college or university’s entrance requirements, including the high school curriculum requirements, and subject to the State Regents' retention standards.

  • Academic Notice

    • Students with 0-29 attempted credit hours and a 1.70-1.99 cumulative GPA are placed on Academic Notice.

  • Academic Probation

    • Students with greater than 30 attempted hours and less than a 2.00 cumulative GPA OR less than 30 hours and less than a 1.70 GPA are placed on Academic Probation. Students on academic probation must earn at least a 2.00 semester GPA in the term of their probation to continue enrollment at OU. Students who fail to raise their semester or cumulative GPA to 2.00 or better will be suspended from OU for poor scholarship.

      Students should check with their Academic Advisor or Academic Records for specific enrollment requirements while on academic probation

  • Academic Suspension

    • Students enrolled on academic probation who fail to raise their semester or cumulative GPA to 2.00 or better are suspended from OU for poor scholarship.

    • Students suspended for poor scholarship are not eligible for readmission until one full semester has elapsed following the date of suspension. 

    • To be readmitted, suspended students must complete a new admission application and letter of appeal to the Office of Admissions & Recruitment.

    • Students who wish to appeal their academic suspension should complete the Academic Suspension Appeal Form.

Navigating OU

If you are taking in-person courses, visit to explore different parking pass options. Concurrent Enrollment students receive a discounted rate of $50 per semester and must be purchased in our Parking office or over the phone.

Contact OU Parking Services

The University of Oklahoma

1332 Jenkins Ave.

Norman, OK 73019-2451

Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday

Phone (405) 325-3311


Yes, if you are a Concurrent Enrollment student who does not want to buy a parking permit, you can park at Lloyd Noble Center and take the CART bus system to your building. Parking at Lloyd Noble is free. 

Lloyd Noble: Bus Route #40

The Lloyd Noble Center Bus operate from 7 am to 9 pm on Mondays-Thursdays, 7 am to 6 pm on Fridays and no Saturday service. See the CART Schedule (pdf) for more information.

If you are a student at Norman High School or Norman North, you can take the Norman CART bus system to campus from your high school. There are CART stops near each school. The Norman Buses run from 7 am to 10 pm on Mondays-Fridays and 10 am to 7 pm on Saturdays.

Norman High: Bus Route #10

It will pick up every hour .09 after the hour and .36 after the hour

Norman North: Bus Route #21

It will pick up every hour at .29 after the hour.

Although you are still a high school student while enrolled in Concurrent Enrollment, when you take a college class you are expected to perform like a college student. The most important thing to remember is that you are responsible for yourself. You may be used to teachers checking in on and reminding you to turn in major assignments and late work. In college, your professor will expect you to keep track of your progress and seek help when needed. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • If you don't understand an assignment or have questions about the material, you are responsible for making contact with your professor, either in class, via email or during office hours.
  • If you miss class, make sure to get the notes from your classmates who were present. You are also expected to keep your syllabus handy and check it often as many professors assign readings and other projects that may not be directly addressed in class.
  • Major tests and papers usually comprise the majority of your grade in a course, and one bad exam score can dramatically affect your final grade. Often, testing is infrequent and will cover large amounts of material. To study for an exam, you are responsible for organizing your notes and identifying the important points.
  • In college, you manage your own time, and a good rule of thumb is that you need to study at least two to three hours outside of class for each hour that you spend in class.
  • Finally, in college, results count. Be prepared to build a good reputation with your professor from the start; however, effort will not substitute for results in the grading process.

Tuition Payment:

The University of Oklahoma bills tuition, mandatory, and course-related fees by semester/term. Student Financial Services provides monthly eBills, sent to students’ official OU e-mail address, on the first of every month detailing charges and payments that occurred during the prior month. The student account charges that are billed on the first of each month are due by the 25th day of the month the statement was generated. 

The student eBill is posted online at The student needs his/her student username and password to login to One. To view the eBill or make payments online, students will click on the Pay Bill quick-link located on the home page of

Oklahoma Seniors:

Eligible Oklahoma high school seniors will receive a tuition waiver for up to 18 credit hours their senior year. This waiver is typically applied to eligible student accounts following the add/drop period of each semester.  If a student has questions regarding the status of his/her waiver, he/she may contact Student Financial Services at 405-325-9000.

Should a student wish to allow parent or authorized user access, he/she can authorize users to access his/her Bursar account to make payment:

  • Login to
  • Click  'Financial'
  • Click 'Under ‘Actions’, select ‘Add authorized users'

Authorized user(s) will receive two e-mail confirmations:

  1. Notification of their user name
  2. An email containing a temporary password.  

When an authorized user has accessed the account, he/she will use the Bill Pay link under Authorized User Bill Pay, to make payments. The student may authorize as many users as he/she wishes. Each user has access to view their own Bursar activity only.

For additional questions, please refer to Student Financial Services at, or 405-325-9000.

Online Course Success Strategies

In many ways an online course functions in a similar way to a traditional on campus course. There are, however, differences between how the two operate that can affect a student’s success in a course. It is helpful to be aware of strategies that can help you to be more successful in an online classroom.  

  • "Attend" your online course regularly by frequently logging into Canvas. Time management is one of the biggest challenges for most students taking online courses (or any course for that matter). Since you do not need to appear in a room on campus at certain times each week, you must discipline yourself to "attend" by logging in regularly to your courses to keep up on readings, assignments, projects and upcoming quizzes and tests.
    • Students will enjoy taking Canvas on the go with the mobile app. They can know where they stand in a course by including hypothetical grades throughout the term. Canvas makes collaboration easy, enabling students to share documents and host discussions all within the LMS. The calendar tool will help students stay organized by displaying assignments and due dates across all active courses.
  • You must stay organized. Create and keep a calendar for your course work. Your instructor will provide a schedule of due dates for assignments; record these deadlines on your calendar.
  • Save and backup your work. What if a computer failure caused you to lose an important assignment right before the deadline? Remember to backup your work somewhere other than your computer. A cloud service or USB stick is a great place to keep your work safe.
  • Professors will communicate with you via email. You must check your OU Email daily. Log in on Use effective communication when emailing your instructor or another student. Always state the class and section in which you are enrolled. Use appropriate language/spelling/grammar. Communicate in a respectful manner.
  • Discussions will most likely be a large part of your online course. Online discussions provide an opportunity to engage with the other students in your class and your instructor. Be sure to read each post carefully before you write your response. Always proofread before submitting your contribution. Many instructors deduct points for misspellings, grammatical errors, and poor writing. Learn your fellow students' names and use them. Not only does this help appropriately direct your comments, but also it brings an added dimension of camaraderie to the discussion. Many professors setup the discussion boards so that you cannot see another student’s thread until you post your own.

Academic Integrity 

Academic integrity is important for all students. For more information about Academic Integrity at the University of Oklahoma view the Students Guide to Academic Integrity at OU.

Please review FERPA and OU's policy.

You can get your Sooner ID card through the Sooner Card office.

Post Admission Process

The pin number is actually your advising hold and is there because you have not met with an academic advisor to be enrolled. Please go to to schedule your advising appointment today!

If you are only enrolled in one course, please email If you are enrolled in more than one course, you can remove that course from your "cart" if it is within the add/drop window.

You can schedule an advising appointment at Advising appointments will be held every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays during the following advising windows:

  • Fall Semester: Advising will begin the first Tuesday in February and continue until the Thursday before the first day of class in August.

  • Spring Semester: Advising will begin the third Tuesday in October and continue until the Thursday before the first day of class in January.

Yes! Meeting with an academic advisor is required each semester that you want to take concurrent enrollment. These appointments are 20-30 minutes long and are provided over the phone, zoom or in person.

You can schedule an assessment appointment through the Assessment Center.

  • Based on a student's submitted academic information, The University of Oklahoma may require an ALEKS Mathematics Placement Assessment, Accuplacer Reading Placement Assessment, and/or English Placement Assessment to determine readiness for various courses.
  • Depending on the courses in which you are wanting to enroll for, an assessment may be required. You will be informed in advance.

Assessments taken through the OU Academic Success Assessment Center are good for one calendar year from the date you received your score for your assessment(s) taken. These scores may only be utilized at the University of Oklahoma.

For Spring 2025 admits, no. However, if you intend to take courses beginning in Summer 2025, a virtual Orientation will be required before you can be advised.