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Featured Courses

Featured Courses

You can choose from hundreds of courses offered each semester at OU, but we have selected a few that we think will be a good fit for high school students. 

Students sitting in classroom

Online Concurrent Courses for Summer 2025

Summer 2025 courses are offered in multiple different 5 week blocks:

  • May Block from May 12 to June 6
  • 1st Summer Block from May 12 to July 3
  • June Block from June 9 to July 3
  • 2nd Summer Block from June 9 to August 1
  • July Block from July 7 to August 1

Online Concurrent Courses for Fall 2025

Below are the courses being offered entirely online for Concurrently Enrolled students during the Fall 2025 semester! Course availability is first come, first serve, so students will want to apply and get advised early to guarantee their spot!

Course NameGeneral Education Course TypeCourseSections Available

Principles of English Composition I

English Comp I

ENGL 1113


American Federal Government

American Government

P SC 1113


United States 1865 to Present

US History

HIST 1483


Principles of Ecomonics MacroSocial ScienceECON 11131

Elements of Psychology

Social Science

PSY 1113


Intoduction to Sociology

Social Science

SOC 11131

Intro to Film & Media Studies

Artistic Forms

FMS 1013


Principles of Health & Disease

Natural Science

HES 1823


Introduction to Nutrition

Natural Science

HES 28231

Intro to Native American Studies

World Culture

NAS 1013


Course Offerings

Concurrent Enrollment students can take any course at OU that they have the pre-requisite course or requirement for the specific course. Must students are encouraged to focus on their General Education Requirements. Students will be advised by an academic advisor in order to choose courses and get enrolled. You can view the entire course catalog at to see specific course offerings within each general education requirement. Below is a list of the some common courses Concurrent Enrollment students have taken in the past.

American Federal Government - P SC 1113

A study of the structure, organization and powers of the executive, legislative and judicial branches including relationships between state and national governments. Emphasis upon political processes and popular government; elections, political parties, pressure groups, voting behavior. 

Experiencing Music - MUNM 1743    

Designed as an introduction to the varied strands of folk music in America. Involves examination of the historical, cultural and social implications of American folk songs; performance and analysis of folk songs as musical art forms; and the link between folk songs and large-scale contemporary musical compositions. 

Introduction to Art History - A HI 2014

Students will be introduced to basic concepts in art and art history through a thematic study of global art. 

Introduction to Film & Media Studies - FMS 1013    

An examination of the history, role, impact, nature and delivery systems of film and media in the United States and the international community.

The Understanding of Music - MUNM 1113

A course in music appreciation covering all of the important fields of music, with opportunity for the students to listen to recordings and to attend concerts. 

Understanding Art - A HI 1113

Explanation and analysis of the principles underlying the visual arts. Consideration of formal, historical and other factors in the valuation and enjoyment of painting, sculpture, architecture and utilitarian objects.

Understanding Dance - DANC 1713

A course in dance appreciation covering all aspects of various theatrical dance styles.

OU School of Aviation is now offering a limited list of Concurrent courses specifically for students to get ahead in their Aviation degree requirements. These courses will be subject to normal tuition and fees. Courses are offered both in person and online. Below you will find the upcoming Fall and Spring term offerings.

For the Fall 2024 term: 

  • AVIA 1111- Aviation Orientation (1 hour)
  • AVIA 2513- History of Aviation (3 hours) 

For the Spring 2025 term:

  • AVIA 1111- Aviation Orientation (1 hour)
  • AVIA 2513- History of Aviation (3 hours) 
  • AVIA 1313- Introduction to UAS (3 hours)
  • AVIA 2613- Aviation Safety (3 hours)

Enrollment in, and completion of, Concurrent Enrollment courses through Aviation does not guarantee a flying slot for students who enroll as first-time freshmen at OU.

Principles of Communication - COMM 1113

Introductory study of human communication emphasizing both theoretic understanding of the process as well as skillful application of communication principles and techniques within a variety of settings.

Public Speaking - COMM 2613    

Develops skill in the composition and delivery of speeches suitable to various common speech situations and criteria for judging speeches heard or read. Topics include: nature of public speaking; choosing and presenting a topic; analyzing an audience; organizing and outlining.

English Composition I - ENGL 1113

Systematic analysis of the components of effective writing, with regular practice and close individual assistance. Study of expository prose models.

English Composition II - ENGL 1213

Prerequisite: 1113. Systematic analysis of effective argumentative discourse with regular practice and close individual assistance. Study of argumentative prose models. Library research paper required. 

We offer a variety of different languages. If you have taken 2+ years of a foreign language in high school, you will take a placement exam or be placed into a course by a professor. Please visit The Lanuage Learning Center for more information.

We offer multiple languages, some of most popular being:

Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Latin, and Spanish

You will be placed into a math course based on your ACT/SAT score on the Math Section or if you have taken an AP test and received credit for a math course at OU. 

College Algebra - MATH 1503

Review of basic algebraic skills such as multiplying and factoring polynomials, rational expressions, linear equations and inequalities, exponents and radicals, absolute values. Other topics include the concept, notation, and algebra of functions, functions of linear, polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic type, systems of equations. 

Precalculus & Trigonometry - MATH 1523    

Review of function concepts. Topics covered include properties of functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, trigonometric functions and their inverses by unit circle and triangle approaches, trigonometric equations and identities, simple conic sections, polar coordinates, Demoivre's theorem, discrete algebra, induction, limits and continuity.

Calculus & Analytical Geometry I - MATH 1823

Topics covered include equations of straight lines; conic sections; functions, limits and continuity; differentiation; maximum-minimum theory and curve sketching.

Calculus & Analytical Geometry II - MATH 2423

Integration and its applications; the calculus of transcendental functions; techniques of integration; and the introduction to differential equations. 

Calculus & Analytical Geometry III - MATH 2433

Polar coordinates, parametric equations, sequences, infinite series, vector analysis.

Calculus & Analytical Geometry IV - MATH 2443

Vector calculus; functions of several variables; partial derivatives; gradients, extreme values and differentials of multivariate functions; multiple integrals; line and surface integrals. 

Pre-Calculus for Business/Life and Social Sciences - MATH 1643

Review of basic algebra skills. Topics covered include linear functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, systems of linear equations and inequalities, matrices and operations on matrices, linear programming, introductory trigonometry, elementary probability and statistics. 

Calculus I for Business/Life and Social Sciences - MATH 1743

Topics in differentiation and integration of polynomial, exponential and logarithmic functions. Applications to the business, life and social sciences.

Calculus II for Business/Life and Social Sciences - MATH 2123

Differentiation and integration of exponential and logarithmic functions; simple differential equations; partial derivatives; double integrals, probability. Applications to the business, life and social sciences.

General Chemistry - CHEM 1315

Prerequisite: Mathematics 1503 or 1643, or math ACT equal to or greater than 23. General Chemistry is an overview of the chemical basis of natural phenomena. First of a two-semester sequence in general chemistry. Topics covered: basic measurement, atomic theory, electron configuration, periodicity, chemical reactivity and energetics, stoichiometry, gas laws and changes in state, bonding and molecular structure. Requires a lab.

Introductory Nutrition - HES 2823

Evaluation of basic composition of nutrients and accessory factors required for adequate human nutrition. Application of nutritional principles to the planning of normal and special dietary regimen.

Introductory Biology - BIOL 1124

Major principles and concepts are presented in the function and physiology of animals, plants, fungi and microbes. Emphasis is on biological chemistry, cell structure and function, cellular energetics, molecular genetics, homeostasis and physiology. 

Physical Geography - GEOG 1114

A systematic introduction to the physical Earth; including Earth materials, landform processes and resultant landforms, Earth-sun relations, weather, climate, the water cycle, natural vegetation, and soil types. Emphasis is placed on the inter-relationships among these phenomena. Requires a lab.

Scientific Principles of Health and Disease - HES 1823

Students will be exposed to the basic science-based principles needed to develop an interdisciplinary understanding of human health. The course is designed to assist students in the development of a basic understanding of the anatomical structures and physiological process that are critical to understanding the development of various diseased/disorders. Students will apply this knowledge to a fact-based model for choosing and developing appropriate lifestyle and health-related interventions (e.g., exercise, nutrition, stress management), both for health enhancement and disease prevention.

Volcanoes and Earthquakes - GEOL 1003

Prerequisite: high school chemistry and algebra. Worldwide distribution of volcanic and earthquake activity; types of volcanic eruptions and associated landforms and rocks; causes of and techniques for location of earthquakes; prediction of volcanic eruptions and earthquakes; social consequences of predictions and actual volcanic and earthquake activity. 

What Makes Us Human? - ANTH 1113

An introduction to the anthropological way of thinking about culture, language, social organization, religion, gender, prehistory, the rise of civilization, evolution and fossil hominins. Anthropological perspectives on the roles culture and biology play in influencing modern and ancient diversity of human behavior will be explored.

Principles of Economics - Macro - ECON 1113

Prerequisite: Satisfactory score on the Math placement test, or, for incoming freshmen direct from high school, satisfactory score on the ACT/SAT. The functioning and current problems of the aggregate economy: determination and analysis of national income, employment, inflation and stabilization; money and banking, monetary and fiscal policy; and aspects of international interdependence. 

Understanding Global Community - IAS 2003

The world today is an interdependent global community that requires an awareness of international politics and economics. This course seeks to enhance our understanding of the global community because of the impact of international relations on our lives and the lives of others around the world. 

Elements of Psychology - PSY 1113

A survey of the scientific study of human behavior. Emphasis is placed upon scientific method, basic life processes, mechanisms of adaption, individual differences and group behavior. Students have the opportunity to be exposed to the research process either by serving as participants in research experiments or by conducting reviews of research topics. 

Introduction to Sociology - SOC 1113

The fundamental concepts of sociology; foundations of group life; social change, processes, and problems.

United States, 1492 to 1865 - HIST 1483

A general survey of United States history from its colonial origins to the end of the Civil War, with emphasis upon national political, diplomatic, economic, constitutional, social and intellectual developments. 

United States, 1865 and present - HIST 1493

A general survey of United States history from the Civil War to the present day, with emphasis upon national political, diplomatic, economic, constitutional, social and intellectual developments.

Geography - GEOG 1103

An introduction to the humanized Earth; specifically, to the geography of population, the global pattern of cultures and such affiliated elements as language, religion, technology, and political organization, and to the physical expression of those cultures in rural and urban settings.

Introduction to Philosophy - PHIL 1013

Basic problems of philosophy explored through a consideration of selected philosophers.

Introduction to Religious Studies - RELS 1113

Examines inner workings and external practices of religion, including various definitions of religion, and how religion functions in the world through ritual, myth, and symbol. Analysis of varieties of religious experience, human destiny and the use of sacred texts among the world's religions. 

Introduction to Women & Gender Studies - WGS 1003

Examines women's issues and movements in the United States and globally, with a focus on the pervasive role of gender in people's lives and on the ways it is used to create privilege for some and oppress others. Through readings, films, class discussions, and guest speakers, this course is designed to challenge traditional, normative notions about gender and sexuality, which are inextricably entwined. Also explores ways other markers of difference, such as disability, race, and religion, intersect with gender identity and sexual identity. 

Social Problems - SOC 1523

Analysis of major social problems of contemporary U.S. and policy debates concerning them. Examination of social science theory and research that are relevant to understanding these problems. Development of social institutions in which social problems occur.

World Regional Geography - GEOG 2603

A broad survey of the world's major culture regions emphasizing basic physical, cultural, economic, and political patterns, as well as the processes that have created those patterns. Emphasis on economic development, ethnic conflict, and environmental degradation, as well as on the changing role of the United States.