No same-day or walk-in appointments are available.
Students must make appointments at least 72 hours (3 days) before the exam date. It is recommended students schedule exams one to two weeks (if not more) in advance.
Testing Services is closed on all school holidays and as posted. Any unforeseen closures will be posted on our website and communicated by email or campus communication to faculty and staff. Hours and closures are available on the OU Testing Center website.
If a student attempts to schedule later than 72 hours, our system will show as full and they will need to reach out to their professor to get approval for a new time.
If a student does not schedule an appointment in RegisterBlast, they will not be allowed to test as we do not take walk-in appointments.
Testing Procedures
Students must present a valid picture ID before entering the testing room. Digital IDs on phones are fine, especially the OU IDs on the OU App. Students can also present a Driver’s license, Passport, or State ID.
OU students must know their course prefix, course number, test name/number, and instructor’s name.
The OU Testing Center will provide pencils and computers.
Students are responsible for paying any required test/exam fees before being allowed to test. The students will pay when they register for the exam on RegisterBlast.
Testing Environment and Conduct
Students are responsible for supplying any materials specified by the instructor (e.g., SCANTRON sheets, blue books, graphing paper, calculators, etc.) as required for the test. The OU Testing Center will provide pencils and computers.
When you have finished your test, follow your instructor’s directions for submitting online and/or bring all used materials to the front desk.
All note and formula sheets/cards used during your exam will be collected at check-out unless stated otherwise by the professor.
Testing Center is monitored by cameras at all times.
Late and No-Show Policy
Students must arrive at least 15 minutes prior to their scheduled start time.
The Testing Center Staff has the right to deny admission for testing if requirements and policies are not met.
There are no fees associated with no-shows.
Lockers Provided For
Cell phones (must be powered off while in the locker)