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Community Writers

Whether you're a high school student in the Norman/OKC area or a creative writing hobbyist, the OU Writing Center has services to help you excel in your writing and achieve your writing goals.

The Writing Center offers three main types of services for Community Writers from the Norman/OKC area:

  1. Individual consultations
  2. Extended Read submission opportunities
  3. Writing resource guides and materials

Read through the descriptions below to learn more about how the Writing Center can help you.

Services for Community Members

Our appointments are available to all students at OU. One-on-one consultations are a great way to ask questions about and get help with concerns you have about your own individual writing. Whether you're working on a paper for a general education course, like First-Year Composition or History, or writing a capstone paper for a senior seminar, consultations are a great way to get feedback as you write.

We expect all students to be aware of the level of help, if any, they may receive on a given assignment. If you are unsure of whether or not you should be receiving help on a project, exam, or essay, ask your instructor.

Extended Read Appointments are remote, asynchronous consultations available for projects that require more time than a traditional 25- or 45-minute appointment. These consultations are especially useful when you have specific questions or concerns about the piece of writing that the consultant can answer in writing. 

The Writing Center offers writing resources for use by everyone. Some resources focus on grammar-related topics while others focus on larger writing issues. Downloadable (PDF) resources include:

  • Citation style guides created by the OU WC (APA, MLA, and Chicago)
  • Handouts on outlining, proofreading, and setting SMART writing goals

Head to our YouTube Channel for captioned video content on writing-related topics as well. We have video tutorials on:

  • APA citation style
  • Using inclusive pronouns in writing
  • Parts of speech

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