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Advocates at OU-Tulsa

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Advocates at OU-Tulsa

OU Advocates is a helpline and support service for anyone in our OU-Tulsa community who experience sexual violence, relationship violence, stalking and/or sexual harassment. We are a free and confidential resource on campus. Any student, staff, or faculty member in the OU-Tulsa community may utilize Advocate services.

OU Advocates Helpline (M-F 8AM - 5PM): 


After Hours & Weekend Helpline (Domestic Violence Intervention Services):


What can I expect when speaking with an OU Advocate?

When calling or meeting with OU Advocates you should expect empathy, compassion, and support.  We will listen to you and believe you.  When speaking with OU Advocates, you can share as much or as little information as you would like.  We will help you navigate the various options for resources and referrals.

Sometimes we have an initial phone call for only general information and questions, but more often, the phone call leads to an in-person meeting.  If the need arises, we can meet an individual at a police station, hospital, or rape crisis center.

We also provide long-term advocacy.  We can go with you to meetings at the Institutional Equity Office, with police officers or detectives, and to hearings at the courthouse.  We want to support you and help navigate the various procedures involved.

Services We Offer

OU Advocates is here to connect you to all of available resources a survivor of gender-based violence may need. We believe it is the suvivor's decision to utilize any, all, or none of the services listed below. Our role as OU Advocates is to provide information about your options so you can make the best possible decisions for yourself moving forward. We will always respect and support your choices, whatever you decide.

Your safety is our top concern. OU Advocates can assist you with class reassignments, victim protection orders, and safety planning.

OU Advocates can accompany a survivor to the hospital or rape crisis center for medical care, specifically for a sexual assault medical exam. The medical examination can be difficult, and we want to be a source of support and a resource for you. We work closely with Domestic Violence Intervention Services (DVIS) and can connect you with additional resources in the Tulsa area. 

For more information abouse sexual assault medical examinations, click here.

Quick Information:

  • You can get a sexual assault medical exam up to nine days after an assault, but it is better to get an exam sooner. Some medications cannot be given after a certain amount of time has passed.
  • It is best to not bathe/shower nor eat/drink before an exam; however, you can still get an exam after doing any of those.
  • A person can access a forensic exam with or without police involvement. The primary purpose of an exam is for your health and wellbeing.

You have several options when it comes to reporting incidents of gender-based violence, and there are no right or wrong decisions when it comes to reporting gender-based violence. The two main systems for reporting sexual and dating violence are law enforcement and university administration. Survivors of gender based violence may choose both, neither, or just one of the reporting options outlined below.

Talking with OU Advocates does not obligate a person to report an incident. Our role as OU Advocates is to help you understand your reporting options and, if you choose to report, to support you through the reporting process.

Option 1: Filing a Police Report

If you are in immediate danger, call 911.

Typically, an individual will contact the police department that has jurisdiction over the area where the assault or incident occurred in order to make a report. We continually work with various departments including the OU-Tulsa Police Department and the Tulsa Police Department. If a person is unsure of jurisdiction, we are happy to help contact the police department to determine the department jurisdiction.

Option 2: Reporting to the University

The University investigation is different and separate from a criminal investigation. Reports of sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, stalking, and sexual harassment can be made to the university Title IX Coordinator. Additional information can be found at

Immunity Policy

The University of Oklahoma has a Student Amnesty Policy for emergencies involving alcohol and sexual misconduct including sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking. If a student seeks help from a sexual assault or other type of sexual misconduct, they will not face disciplinary action or receive a strike for drinking and/or the use of drugs. OU cares more about your safety than getting you in trouble.

“The safety of students, employees, and the campus community are of utmost importance to the University. In order to encourage reporting of incidents of sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking or other sexual misconduct, no reporting party or witness will be referred for disciplinary action if they engaged in the unlawful or prohibited use of alcohol and/or drugs when the reported incident occurred. Responding parties will not be referred for disciplinary action if they personally engaged in the unlawful or prohibited use of alcohol or drugs during the incident where an alleged policy violation occurred. Provided however, that a responding party may be held responsible for providing alcohol or drugs to the reporting party as a means of facilitating an alleged violation. Additionally, the use of alcohol or drugs will not excuse behavior by a responding party that constitutes a policy violation.”

Sexual Misconduct, Discrimination, And Harassment Policy
Section VI: Reporting Sexual Misconduct, Discrimination, and Harassment
Part F: Immunity Policy

Experiencing any type of gender- based violence can take a toll on various aspects of a student's life.  If you missed class immediately after an assault or have difficulty concentrating in classes, come talk to an Advocate.  We can help with possible class extensions, withdraws, and other potential academic accommodations and referrals.

We can assist you in scheduling a counseling appointment with OU-Tulsa Student Counseling Services. 

To request an appointment, please call OU-Tulsa Student Counseling Services at 918-660-3109 or email us at

OU Advocates can accompany individuals to appointment and meetings to various systems including but not limited to the following: hospitals, Domestic Violence Intervention Services (DVIS),  Tulsa County Courthouse, Institutional Equity Office, and police stations.  We want to support you and your decision for these services.



OU Advocates are a confidential resource, which means personally identifiable information, such as your name, ID number, and address, will not be disclosed to camps or law enforcement without your consent.  Meeting with an Advocate will not trigger an investigation.

We are not mandatory reporters, so we will not share your information with the Institutional Equity Office.

Advocates will always ask for your permission to follow-up with you.  Advocates will work with the OU Advocates Coordinator to coordinate any services such as counseling appointments or meetings at the Institutional Equity Office.  The Coordinator will maintain confidentiality, but OU Advocates report to the Coordinator to ensure you receive all necessary follow-up and referral services that you want and need.

There are a few exceptions to confidentiality, including:

Under the Clery Act, advocates are identified as campus security authorities.  If you disclose a sexual assault, domestic violence, or other type of gender-based violence that happened on campus or campus property, we have to disclose non-identifying information with the OU-Tulsa Police Department.  The information includes type of incident, general location of incident, and date.  We do not disclose your name, ID number, specific location, or other identifying information.

If an advocate is told about a case that involves child abuse or neglect, we are mandated by law to report the incident to DHS, law enforcement, and the Institutional Equity Office if the case involves sexual misconduct.

If the victim poses a danger to themselves or others, the advocate has a duty to warn and protect.