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Archival Journal Papers:

1.     Kaadan, A., Refai, H.H., LoPresti, P.G., "Multi-element FSO Transceivers Alignment for Inter-UAV Communications," J. Lightwave Technology, Vol.32, pp. 4785-4795, Dec. 15, 2014 doi: 10.1109/JLT.2014.2364795.

2.     Hardre, Patricia, Shehab, Randa, Ling, Chen, Nanny, Mark, Herron, Jason, Nollert, Matthias, Refai, Hazem, Ramseyer, Chris, Wollega, Ebisa, “Designing and Evaluating a K-12 STEM Teacher Learning Opportunity in the Research University”, Journal of Evaluation and Program Planning, Vol. 43C, pp.73-82, 2014, doi: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2013.11.002

3.     Dayong Zhou**, Peter G. LoPresti, Hazem Refai, "Design analysis of a fiber-bundle-based mobile free-space optical link with wavelength diversity," Applied Optics, vol. 52, no. 16, pp.3689-3697, June 1, 2013.

4.     Maryam Falahpour**, Hazem Refai, Jerzy Bodurka, “Specific BOLD fMRI Respiratory and Cardiac Response Functions Obtained from Global Signal,” J. of NeuroImage, 72, 252-264. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.01.050.

5.     Hardré, P. L., Ling, C., Shehab, R.L., Nanny, M., Nollert, M., Refai, H., Ramseyer, C., Herron, J. & Wollega, E.D. (2013). Teachers in an Interdisciplinary Learning Community:  Engaging, Integrating and Strengthening K-12 Education.  Journal of Teacher Education, 64 (5), 410-426. DOI: 10.1177/0022487113496640.

6.     Hardré, P. L., Shehab, R.L., Ling, C., Nanny, M., Herron, J., Nollert, M., Refai, H., Ramseyer, C., & Wollega, E.D. (2014). Designing and Evaluating a K-12 STEM Teacher Learning Opportunity in the Research University. Evaluation and Program Planning, 43C (2014), 73-82. Online First 12/2013; DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2013.11.002

7.     Nesreen Alsbou**, Sylvain Prigent, Hazem H. Refai, “Analysis of Priority R-ALOHA (PR-ALOHA) Protocol,” Wiley J. of Wireless Commun. and Mobile Computing, 6 May 2013, DOI:10.1002/wcm.2373.

8.     D. Zhou**, P. G. LoPresti, and H. H. Refai, “Evaluation of Fiber-bundle Based Transmitter Configuration with Alignment Control Algorithm for Mobile FSO Nodes”, IEEE J. of Lightwave Technology, vol. 31, no. 2 , pp. 249-256, Jan. 15, 2013.

9.     N. LaSorte**, S. Rajab, and H. H. Refai, “Developing Reproducible Non-Line-of-Sight Experimental Setup for Testing Wireless Medical Device Coexistence Utilizing ZigBee,” IEEE Trans. On Biomedical Engineering, vol. 59, no. 11, Article DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2012.2209422. Sept. 12.

10.  H. Moradi**, H. H. Refai, P. G. LoPresti, “Circular Mobile FSO Nodes with Transmit Selection and Receiver Generalized Selection”, IEEE Trans. On Vehicular Technology, vol. 61, no. 3, pp. 1174-1181, Feb. 2012.

11.  H. Moradi**, H. H. Refai, P. G. LoPresti, “Spatial Diversity for Fiber-Bundled FSO Nodes with Limited Mobility” IEEE/OSA J. of Optical Commun. and Networking, vol. 30 , no. 1 , pp. 175-183, Jan. 2012.

12.  H. Moradi**, H.H. Refai, P.G. LoPresti, “Switch-and-Stay and Switch-and-Examine Dual Diversity for high speed FSO links,” IET Optoelectronics, Vol. 6, no. 1, pp.34-42, Feb 2012.

13.  H. Moradi**, H.H. Refai, P.G. LoPresti, “Mobile Free Space Optic Nodes in Single-Input Multiple-Output Setup under Transmitter Misalignment,” Wiley J. of Wireless Commun. and Mobile Computing, Vol.11, no. 12, pp. 1540-1550, Dec. 2011.

14.  H. Moradi**,H. H. Refai, P. G. LoPresti, “A switched diversity approach for multi-receiving optical wireless systems,” Appl. Optics, vol. 50, no. 29, pp.5606-5614, Oct. 2011.

15.  N. LaSorte**, H. H. Refai, D. Witters, S. Seidman, J. Silberberg, “Wireless medical device coexistence: Needs and a proposed approach,” Medical Electron. Design Magazine, Sept. 2011.

16.  D. Zhou**, P. LoPresti, and H. H. Refai, “Enlargement of beam coverage in FSO mobile network.” IEEE J. of Lightw. Technol., vol. 29, no. 10, pp. 1583-1589, May 2011.

17.  H. Moradi**, H. H. Refai, P. G. LoPresti, “Thresholding-based optimal detection of wireless optical signals,” IEEE/OSA J. of Optical Commun. and Networking, vol. 2, no. 9, pp. 689-700, Sept. 2010.

18.  Y. Tachwali**, F. Basma, H. H. Refai, "Cognitive radio architecture for rapidly deployable heterogeneous wireless networks," IEEE Trans. on Consum. Electron., vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 1426-1432, Aug. 2010.

19.  Y. Tachwali**, F. Basma**, and H. H. Refai, “Adaptability and configurability of cognitive radio on hybrid software radio platform,” Wireless Personal Commun., Special Issue on Cooperative Radio Networks and Communications, vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 1426-1432, June 2010.

20.  P. L. Hardree, M.A. Nanny, H.H. Refai,  C. Ling, J. Slater, “Engineering a dynamic science learning environment for K-12 teachers,” Teacher Educ. Quart. vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 157-178, 2010.

21.  Y. Tachwali** and H. H.H. Refai, “System prototype for vehicle collision avoidance using wireless sensors embedded at intersections,” J. of Franklin Inst., vol. 346, no. 5, pp. 488-499, June 2009.

22.  M. Xiaomin and H.H. Refai, “Analysis of sliding frame R-ALOHA protocols for real-time distributed wireless networks,” Wireless Networks, vol. 15, no. 8, Nov. 2009.

23.  M. Xiaomin, C. Xianbo**, and H.H. Refai, ”Performance and reliability of DSRC vehicular safety communication: A formal analysis”, EURASIP J. on Wireless Commun. and Networking, vol. 2009, no. 3,  Article ID 969164, Jan. 2009

24.  Y. Tachwali**, W.J. Barnes**, H. H. Refai, “Configurable symbol synchronizers for software defined radio applications”, J. of Network and Comput. Applicat., vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 607-615, May 2009.

25.  X. Chen**, H.H. Refai, and M. Xiaomin, “On the enhancements to IEEE 802.11 MAC and their suitability for safety-critical applications in VANET,” Wireless Commun. and Mobile Computing, vol. 10, no. 9, pp. 1253-1269, Sept 2008

26.  P. Yan, J.J. Sluss, Jr., H.H. Refai, and P.G. LoPresti, “Enhancing mobile ad hoc networks with free-space optics,” Optical Eng., vol. 46, no. 085008, pp. 1-7, Aug. 2007.

27.  J.S. Pei, R.A. Ivey, H. Lin, A.R. Landrum, A.R., Initial? Sandburg, C.J. Ferzli., T. King*,, M.M. Zaman, H.H. Refai, and E.C. Mai, “An experimental investigation of applying Mica2 motes in pavement condition monitoring,” J. of Intelligent Material Syst. and Structures, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 63-85, January 2009.

28.  T.A. Broughan, R. Naukam, C. Tan, C. J. Van De Wiele, H.H. Refai, and T.K. Teague, “Effect of hepatic zonal oxygen levels on hepatocyte stress responses,” J. of Surgical Research, vol. 145, no. 1, pp. 150-160, March 2008.

29.  P.G. LoPresti, H.H. Refai, J. Sluss, and I. Varela-Cuadrado, “Adaptive divergence and power for improving connectivity in Free Space Optical networks,” Appl. Optics, vol. 45, no. 25, pp. 6591-6597, Sept. 2006.

30.  A. Harris, J.J. Sluss, Jr., H.H. Refai, and P.G. LoPresti, “Free space optical wavelength diversity scheme for fog mitigation in a ground-to-UAV communications link,” Optical Eng., vol. 45, no. 08, pp. 1-12, August 2006.

31.  Hakki H. Refai, J.J. Sluss, Jr., H.H. Refai, and M. Atiquzzaman, “A comparative study of the performance of analog fiber-optic links versus free-space optical links,” Optical Eng., vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 025003-1,10, Feb. 2006.

32.  N. Malhis*, A. Ruttan, and H.H. Refai, “An efficient approach for candidate set generation,” J. of Inform. & Knowledge Manage., vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 287-291, Nov. 2005.

33.  Ha.H. Refai, S. Yang**, and J.J. Sluss, “Auto-collision avoidance system using DGPS,” Gyroscopy and Navigation, vol. x, no., 3, pp. 82-83, Month 2004.

34.  J.W. Hassell**, J.J. Sluss, Jr., and H.H. Refai, “Grid computing—evolving definitions and implementations,” Annu. Review of Commun. 57, IEC Publications, vol. 57, no. x, pp.645-651, Nov. 2004.


Book Chapters

1.     Al-Hawamdeh, S. and Refai, H. (2007) Video Management and the Transfer of Knowledge Through Audiovisual Material, in  Knowledge Management and context,  Srikantaiah, T. Kanti  & Koenig, Michael E. D., eds, Medford, N. J., Information Today, for the American Society for Information Science.


Referred Conference Papers with Proceedings:

1.     Naim Bitar, Ali Imran, Hazem Refai, "A User Centric Self-Optimizing Grid-based approach for Antenna Steering Based on Call Detail Records”, Accepted in the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 3-6 April 2016, Doha, Qatar.

2.     M. O. Al Kalaa, W. Balid, N. Bitar, and H. H. Refai, “Evaluating Bluetooth Low Energy in Realistic Wireless Environments,” Accepted in the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 3-6 April 2016, Doha, Qatar.

3.     Balid W., Tafish H., and Refai H. H., “Versatile Real-Time Traffic Monitoring System Using Wireless Smart Sensors Networks,” accepted in the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 3-6 April 2016, Doha Qatar.

4.     W. Balid, M. O. Al Kalaa, S. Rajab, H. Tafish, and H. H. Refai, “Development of Measurement Techniques and Tools for Coexistence Testing of Wireless Medical Devices,” Accepted the IEEE WCNC’2016 International Workshop on Smart Spectrum (IWSS), 2016, Doha, Qatar

5.     M. O. Al Kalaa, G. Butron, W. Balid, H. H. Refai, and N. J. Lasorte, “Long Term Spectrum Survey of the 2.4 GHz ISM Band in Multiple Hospital Environments,” Accepted the IEEE WCNC’2016 International Workshop on Smart Spectrum (IWSS), 2016, Doha, Qatar.

6.     Mayeli, A., Zotev, V., Refai, H., Bodurka, J., “An Automatic ICA-Based Artifact Removal Method for Removing Artifacts from EEG Data Acquired during fMRI in Real Time,” In:  41st IEEE Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference (NEBEC), 17-19 April 2015.

7.     Kaadan, A.; Refai, H.H.; LoPresti, P.G., "On the Development of Modular Optical Wireless Elements (MOWE)," Proc. of the Sixth Workshop on Optical Wireless Communications, IEEE GLOBECOM, 6-10 December 2015, San Diego, CA.

8.     Romanous, Bashar, Bitar, Naim G., Syed Ali Raza Zaidi, Imran, Ali, Mounir Ghogho, Refai, Hazem H., “A Game Theorectic Approach for Optimizing Density of Remote Radio Heads in User Centric Cloud-Based Radio Access Network”, Proc. of the 2015 IEEE GLOBCOM, 6-10 December 2015, San Diego, CA.

9.     Parwez, Salik, Farooq, Hasan, Imran, Ali, “Spectral Efficiency Self-Optimization through Dynamic User Clustering and Beam Steering”, Proc. of the 2015 IEEE GLOBCOM, 6-10 December 2015, San Diego, CA.

10.  Walid Balid, Hasan Tafish, Hazem Refai, “Development of Portable Wireless Sensor Network System for Real-time Traffic Surveillance”, Proc. of the 18th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, September 15-18 2015, Canary Islands, Spain.

11.  Romanous, Bashar, Bitar, Naim G., Imran, Ali, Refai, Hazem H., “Network Densification: Challenges and Opportunities in enabling 5G”, Proc. of the 20th IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modelling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD), September 7-8, 2015, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK.

12.  LoPresti, Peter, Babelli, M. Fahd, Refai, Hazem H., Kohrmann, Steven, Buchheim, David, Rodriguez, Joshua, “Performance Analysis of a Fiber-Bundle Based FSO Link”, Pro. IEEE International Conference on Communication (ICC)- Optical Networks and Systems Symposium, June 8-12, 2015, London, UK.

13.  Samer A. Rajab, Walid Balid, Hazem H. Refai, "Comprehensive Study of Spectrum Occupancy for 802.11b/g/n Homogeneous Networks", Pro. of the 2015 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), May 11-14, 2015. PISA, Italy.

14.  M. Alkalaa, H. Refai, “Selection Probability of Data Channels in Bluetooth low Energy”, Pro. of the 11th IEEE International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), August 24-28, 2015, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

15.  Samer A. Rajab, Walid Balid, Mohamad O. Al Kalaa, Hazem H. Refai, "Energy Detection and Machine Learning for the Identification of Wireless MAC Technologies”, Pro. of the 11th IEEE International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), August 24-28, 2015, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

16.  Walid Balid, Samer Rajab, and Hazem H. Refai, “Comprehensive Study of Spectrum Utilization for 802.11b/g/n Networks”, Pro. of the 11th IEEE International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), August 24-28, 2015, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

17.  Mayeli, A., Zotev, V., Refai, H., Bodurka, J., “Fast Detection and Efficient Suppression of Motion Artefacts in EEG Data with Moving Standard Deviation and Spline Interpolation “, Pro. of Real-time Functional Imaging and Neurofeedback.

18.  Mohamad Omar Al Kalaa, Samer Rajab, Hazem H. Refai, Daryl Johnson, “Vehicle Classification Accuracy of AVC and WIM sites in Oklahoma” Pro. Of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, pp.873,877, June 8-11, 2014. Dearborn, Michigan. doi: 10.1109/IVS.2014.6856438.

19.  Mohamad Omar Al Kalaa, Hazem H. Refai, "Bluetooth Standard v4.1: Simulating the Bluetooth Low Energy Data Channel Selection Algorithm" Pro. Of the IEEE GLOBECOM 2014 Workshops - Telecommunications Standards - From Research to Standards (GC14 WS - TCS), 08-12 December 2014. Austin, Texas.

20.  P. LoPresti, N. Hutchins, S. Kohrmann, M. F. Babelli, H. H. Refai, “Wavelength dependence of a fiber-bundle based FSO link,” Globecomm 2014 Workshops- Optical Wireless Communications (OWC’14), Austin, TX, December 8 – 12, 2014.

21.  Samer Rajab, Ahmad Mayeli, and Hazem H. Refai, “Vehicle Classification an Accurate Speed Calculations using Multi-Element Piezoelectric Sensor”, Pro. Of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV’14), pp. 1463-1468, June 8-11, 2014, in Dearborn, Michigan.

22.  Samer Rajab and Hazem Refai, “Single Element Piezoelectric Sensor for Vehicle Classification using the Ratio of Track width to Length”, Pro. Of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV’14), pp.894-899, June 8-11, 2014, in Dearborn, Michigan.

23.  X. Chen**, L. Tsaur, Hazem Refai, Xiaomin Ma, “Fighting Against Access Collision and Hidden Node Problem in Broadcast Scheme of Wireless Ad Hoc Networks”, Proc. Of the IEEE Globecom Workshop on Novel MAC design for broadband wireless access, Atlanta Georgia, December 9-13, 2013.  

24.  Williams Barnes**, Asaad Kaadan, Samer Rajab, and Hazem Refai,”Cognitive Extensions to Existing Wireless Technology,” Pro. the 9th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2013), July 1-5, 2013 Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy. (Received Best Paper Award.)

25.  Nick J, LaSorte**, Dan Bloom, Samer Rajab**, Sina Asdallahi*, Ruiqiang Zhang*, and Hazem H. Refai, “Comparison of Duty Cycle Measurement Technology of 802.11b/g/ in the Frequency and Time Domain,” Proc. IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, May 6-9, 2013 in Minneapolis, MN.

26.  Nick J, LaSorte**, Dan Bloom*, Samer Rajab**,and Hazem H. Refai, “Creating an Automated and Emulated 802.11g Wireless Interfering Network for Wireless Coexistence Testing,” Proc. IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, May 6-9, 2013 in Minneapolis, MN.

27.  Nikookhoy Shahin*, Nick LaSorte**, Hazem H. Refai, “802.11g Channel Characterization Utilizing LabView and NI-USRP,” Proc. IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, May 6-9, 2013 in Minneapolis, MN.

28.  Witters, Donland, Bassen, Howard, Guag, Joshua, Addissie, Bisrat, LaSorte, Nickolas, and Refai, Hazem, “Assessment of risks of EMI for Personal Medical Electronic Devices (PMEDs) from Emissions of Millimeter-wave Security Screening”, Proc. Of the SPIE, 29 Volume 8711, id. 87110l 10pp. (2013). DOI:10.1117/12.2021543, 29 April- 3 May, Baltimore, MD.

29.  Wei Yi, Peter LoPresti, Hazem Refai, "Wavelength agile FSO transceiver," Pro. Integrated Communication, Navigation, & Surveillance Conference (ICNS), Herndon, Virginia, April 23 - 25, 2013.

30.  Asaad Kaadan**, Dayong Zhou**, Hazem Refai, Peter G. LoPresti, "Modeling of Aerial-to-Aerial Short-Distance free-space optical links," Pro. Integrated Communication, Navigation, & Surveillance Conference (ICNS), Herndon, Virginia, April 23 - 25, 2013. (Received Honorable Mention (second best paper award) for the Technology Student Paper Competition).

31.  Dayong Zhou** , Peter G. LoPresti, , Hazem Refai, "Multi-wavelength operation of a control algorithm for mobile FSO node alignment," SPIE Defense Security and Sensing 2013, Atmospheric Propagation X, May 1, 2013.

32.  Peter G. LoPresti, Wei Yi, Eric Rohlman, Hazem Refai, "Wavelength diversity assessment of fiber bundle receiver under misalignment and turbulence,"  SPIE Defense Security and Sensing 2013, Atmospheric Propagation X, May 1, 2013.

33.  Asaad Kaadan**, and Hazem H. Refai “Securing Wireless Medical Devices” Proc. IEEE Global Communication Conference (Globecom), Anaheim, CA, December 3-7, 2012

34.  Samer Rajab**, Ahmad Othman*, and Hazem Refai, “Novel Vehicle and Motorcycle Classification Using Single Element Piezoelectric Sensor ”, Proc.  15th IEEE International Annual Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Anchorage, Alaska, Sept. 16-19, 2012

35.  Asaad Kaadan**, Hazem H. Refai “iICAS Intelligent Intersection Collision Avoidance System”, Proc.  15th IEEE International Annual Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Anchorage, Alaska, Sept. 16-19, 2012

36.  Nick LaSorte**, Samer Rajab**, and Hazem Refai, “Emission Source for Compatibility Testing of Wireless Coexistence for 802.15.4 in the Presence of 802.11g/n”, Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, August 5-10, 2012 EMC Symposium 2012.

37.  Nesreen Alsbou**, Xianbo Chen**, Hazem H. Refai, “Two-Dimensional Markov Model for Throughput Analysis of IEEE 802.11 Distributed Coordination Function in Non Ideal Channel with Capture Effects,” Proc. 8th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), Lemesos, Cyprus, August 27-31, 2012

38.  S. Asadallahi*, H. Refai, and P. LoPresti, “Performance Comparison of CSMA/CA Advanced Infrared (AIr) and a New Point-to-Multipoint Optical MAC Protocol,” Proc. 8th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), Lemesos, Cyprus, August 27-31, 2012.

39.  S. Asadallahi* and H. Refai, “Modified R-ALOHA: Broadcast MAC Protocol for Vehicular Ad hoc Networks,” Proc. 8th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), Lemesos, Cyprus, August 27-31,2012.

40.  Sina Asadallahi*, Hazem H. Refai “Distributed Adaptive Backoff Reservation (ADBR) for IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks”, Pro. IEEE International Conference on Communication (ICC) workshop on Telecommunications: From Research to Standards, June 10-11, 2012. Ottawa, Canada.

41.  D. Zhou**, Z. Shi, W. Yi, P. LoPresti, H. Refai, “Evaluation of Optical Transceivers for Mobile FSO Applications,” Proc. SPIE, vol. 8380, Baltimore, Maryland, April 2012.

42.  P. G. LoPresti, D. Zhou, Z. Shi, H. H. Refai, “Design simulation and analysis of fiber-bundle based optical wireless link,” Proc. SPIE, vol. 8380, Baltimore, Maryland, April 2012.

43.  M. Falahpour**, H. Moradi**, H.H. Refai, P.G. LoPresti, “Optical multiple access by receiver access control protocol for optical wireless networks,” Proc. IEEE Proc. of the IEEE Global Communications Conference  (GLOBECOM 2011), Houston, TX.

44.  F. Basma**, Y. Tachwali**, H.H. Refai, “Intersection collision avoidance system using infrastructure communication,” Proc. 2nd IEEE Intelligent Traffic System Conference, Washington DC, 2011.

45.  H. Moradi**, M. Falahpour**, H. H. Refai, and P. G. LoPresti, “Diversity combining approach for MIMO FSO nodes with misaligned receivers,” Proc. IEEE Global Communication Conference, Houston, TX, 2011.

46.  X. Ma and H.H. Refai, “Analytical model for broadcast packet reception rates in two-dimensional MANETs,” Proc. IEEE International Conference Communication, Kyoto, Japan, 2011.

47.  N. Alsbou and H.H. Refai, “Analysis of PR-ALOHA protocol for inter vehicle communication,” Proc. 7th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.

48.  H. Moradi, H. Refai, P. LoPresti, and M. Atiquzzaman, “Diversity combining for mobile FSO nodes in SIMO Setup,” Proc. 7th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.

49.  D. Zhou, P. G. LoPresti, and H.H. Refai, “Evaluation of a control algorithm for mobile FSO node alignment,” Proc. SPIE, City of Conf., State, Orlando, FL, 2011.

50.  P.G. LoPresti, D. Zhou, and H. Refai, “Evaluation of the performance of a fiber-bundle-based optical wireless link,” Proc. SPIE, Orlando, FL, 2011, vol. 8038, pp. 7.

51.  Y. Jahir, M. Atiquzzaman, H.H. Refai, P.G. LoPresti, “Performance evaluation of AODVH: An ad hoc networking scheme for hybrid nodes,” Proc. 13th International Conference Computer and Information Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2010, pp. 165-169.

52.  H. Moradi**, M. Falahpour**, H. H. Refai, P. G. LoPresti, M. Atiquzzaman, “On the capacity of hybrid FSO/RF links,” Proc. IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2010), Miami, FL.

53.  N. Alsbou** and H.H. Refai, “Dynamic slot allocation algorithm for R-ALOHA with priority (PR-ALOHA),” Proc. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 2010), Miami, FL.

54.  H. Moradi**, H. H. Refai, P. G. LoPresti, M. Atiquzzaman, “Selection diversity for wireless optical communications without perfect CSI,” Proc. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 2010), Miami, FL.

55.  Y. Tachwali**, F. Basma**, J. Barnes**, H.H. Refai, "Wireless microphone signal detection using a compressive sensing technique for IEEE 802.22," Proc. 20th Virginia Tech Wireless Symposium, Blacksburg, VA, 2010.

56.  F. Basma**, Y. Tachwali**, K. Sparger*, H.H. Refai, “Data collection and monitoring using cellular wireless network: GSM,” Proc. IEEE 17th International Conference Telecommunications– Networking and Internet Computing (ICT 2010 Networking and Internet Computing), Doha, Qatar.

57.  S. Pondelik, P.G. LoPresti, H.H. Refai, “Experimental evaluation of a misalignment tolerant FSO receiver,” Proc. SPIE, Orlando FL, 2010, vol. 7685, pp. 76850-58B .

58.  H. Moradi**, M. Falahpour**, H.H. Refai, P.G. LoPresti, M. Atiquzzaman, BER analysis of optical wireless signals through lognormal fading channels with perfect CSI, Proc. IEEE 17th International Conference on Telcommunications-networking and Internet Computing (ICT 2010), Doha, Qatar, pp. 493-497.

59.  N. Alsbou**, D. Henry, H.H. Refai, “R-ALOHA with priority (PR-ALOHA) in non Ideal channel with capture effects”, Proc. IEEE 17th International Conference on Telecommunications–Networking and Internet Computing (ICT 2010 Networking and Internet Computing), Doha, Qatar.

60.  H. Moradi**, M. Fallapour**, H.H. Refai, P.G. LoPresti, M. Atiquzzaman, “Availability modeling of FSO mesh networks through turbulence-induced fading channels,” Proc. IEEE INFOCOM WiP, San Diego, CA, 2010.

61.  Y. Tachwali**, F. Basma**, H.H. Refai, “The feasibility of a fast Fourier sampling technique for wireless microphone detection in IEEE 802.22 air interface,” Proc. .IEEE INFOCOM, San Diego, CA, 2010.

62.  H. Moradi**, H.H. Refai, P.G. LoPresti, M. Atiquzzaman, “Reconfiguration modeling for reconfigurable wireless FSO networks”, Proc. IEEE International Conference Communication (ICC), Cape Town, South Africa, 2010.

63.  Y. Jahir, M. Atquzzaman, H.H. Refai, P.G. LoPresti, “AODVH: Ad hoc on-demand distance vector routing for hybrid modes,” Proc. IEEE International Conference Communication (ICC), Cape Town, South Africa, 2010.

64.  N.J. LaSorte**, Y. Burette*, H.H. Refai, “Experimental characterization of electromagnetic propagation of a hospital from 55-1950 MHz”, Proc. Asia EMC Symposium Electromagnetic Compatibility,” Beijing, China, 2010.

65.  N.J. LaSorte**, I.B. Akunne*, H.H. Refai, “In vitro protocol to study the electromagnetic interaction of RFIDs and infusion pumps,” Proc. Asia EMC Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Beijing, China, 2010.

66.  H. Moradi**, H.H. Refai, P.G. LoPresti, M. Atiquzzaman, “A PSAM-based estimator of noise and fading statistics for optimum receivers of free space optical signals,” Proc. SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, 2010, v. 7587, pp. 75870O(1-10).

67.  H. Moradi**, H.H. Refai, P.G. LoPresti, M. Atiquzzaman, “Toward an optimal combined FSO/RF system via an adaptive bit rate procedure,” Proc. SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, 2010.

68.  D. Zhou**, P.G. LoPresti, H.H. Refai, M. Atiquzzaman, “Control algorithm development for mobile FSO node alignment,” Proc. 28th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), Orlando, FL, 2009.

69.  S. Pondelik, S. Spaunhorst, P.G. LoPresti, H.H. Refai, M. Atiquzzaman, “Optimizing an optical fiber-bundle receiver for mobile FSO applications,” Proc. 28th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), Orlando, FL, 2009.

70.  M. Falahpour**, H. Moradi**, R. Rubin, H.H. Refai, P.G. LoPresti, M. Atiquzzaman, “Performance comparison of classic and fuzzy logic controllers for communication airship,” Proc. 28th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), Orland, FL.

71.  Y. Jahir, M. Atiquzzaman, H.H. Refai, P.G. LoPresti, “Multipath hybrid ad hoc networks for avionics applications in disaster area,” Proc. 28th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), Orland, FL, 2009.

72.  D. Zhou**, P.G. LoPresti, N. Brooks, H.H. Refai, “Evaluation of free-space optical fiber bundle transmitter configurations for receiver tracking,” Proc. SPIE, Defense and Security (Atmospheric Propagation VI), Orlando, FL, 2010, vol. 7324, pp. 73240K-1.

73.  P.G. LoPresti, S. Pondelik, N. Ye, S. Prathipaty, S. Spaunhorst, HH.. Refai, M. Atiquzzaman, “Experimental demonstration/analysis of fiber-bundle-based receiver performance,” Proc. 28th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), Orlando, FL, 2009 pp. 6.A.21 – 6.A.212, 25-29.

74.  S. Spaunhorst, P.G. LoPresti, S. Pondelik, H.H. Refai, “Evaluation of a novel FSO receiver for mitigating alignment errors,” Proc. SPIE, Defense and Security (Atmospheric Propagation VI), Orlando, FL, 2010, vol. 7324, pp. 73240H-1.

75.  N. LaSorte**, W. Barnes**, HH.. Refai, “Characterization of the electromagnetic environment in a hospital and propagation study,” Proc. IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Symposium, Austin, TX, 2009.

76.  N. LaSorte**, W. Barnes**, H. Refai, “Experimental characterization of building penetration loss in hospital from 55-1950 MHz,” Proc. IASTED International Conference on Antennas, Radar and Wave Propagation, Banff, Alberta, Canada, 2009.

77.  W.J. Barnes**, N. LaSorte*, H.H. Refai, “Symbol rate classification of PSK/QAM signals using direct frequency estimators,” Proc. IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (IMTC), Singapore, China, 2009.

78.  N. LaSorte*, W.J. Barnes**, B. Zigrang*, H.H. Refai, “Performance evaluation of a deployed WiMAX system operating in the public frequency band,” Proc. 6th IEEE of Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), Las Vegas, Nevada, 2009.

79.  Y. Tachwali** and H.H. Refai, “Online switching of modulation and carrier frequency implementation using software defined radio,” Proc. MILCOM 2008, San Diego, CA.

80.  W.J. Barnes**, Y. Tachwali**, H. H. Refai, “A configurable symbol synchronizer for digital systems,” Proc. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), New Orleans, LA, 2008.

81.  Y. Tachwali**, M. Chmeiseh*, F. Basma*, H.H. Refai, “A frequency agile implementation for IEEE 802.22 using software defined radio platform,” Proc. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), New Orleans, LA, 2008.

82.  N. LaSorte*, W.J. Barnes**, H.H. Refai, “The history of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing,” Proc. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), New Orleans, LA, 2008.

83.  X. Ma, X. Chen**, H.H. Refai, “On the broadcast packet reception rates in one-dimensional multi-hop MANETs,“ Proce. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), New Orleans, LA, 2008.

84.  S. Gurumani*, H. Moradi**, H.H. Refai, P.G. LoPresti, Mo. Atiquzzaman, “Dynamic path reconfiguration among hybrid FSO/RF node, “Proc. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), New Orleans, LA, 2008.

85.  P.G. LoPresti, C. Kiister, S. Spaunhorst, H.H. Refai, “Maximizing receiver misalignment T

tolerance in a hybrid wireless system,” Proc. SPIE, 2008, Orlando, FL, vol. 6951, pp. 69510N.

86.  S. Cheng, V. Stankovic, L. Stankovic, H.H. Refai, “Cumulative intelligence gathering for smart vehicles,” Proc. Radio Resource Management in Wireless Mesh Networks (RRMinMesh), Doha, Qatar, 2008.

87.   X. Chen** and H.H. Refai, “Enhancement of the IEEE 802.11 DCF backoff algorithm under heavy traffic,“ Proc. Radio Resource Management in Wireless Mesh Networks (RRMinMesh), Doha, Qatar, 2008.

88.  Y. Tachwali** and H.H. Refai, “Implementation of a BPSK transceiver on hybrid software defined radio platforms,” Proc. 3rd International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies: from Theory to Applications (ICTTA), Damascus, Syria, 2008.

89.  X. Chen**, H.H. Refai, and X. Ma,” SDMA: On the suitability for VANET,” Proc. International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies: from Theory to Applications (ICTTA), Damascus, Syria, 2008.

90.  N. LaSorte*, H.H. Refai, J.E. Fagan, “GPS antenna characterization in an anechoic chamber,” Proc. International Conference on Electromagnetic Field Problems and Application (ICEF 2008), Chongqing, China.

91.  W.J. Barnes**, T. King*, H.H. Refai, J.E. Fagan, "A wireless sensor network simulation for highway intersection collision prevention," Proc. 10th International IEEE-ITSC, Seattle, Washington, 2007, pp. 173-177.

92.  T.I. King*, W.J. Barnes**, H.H. Refai, J.E. Fagan, "A wireless sensor network architecture for highway intersection collision prevention," Proc. 10th International IEEE-ITSC, Seattle, Washington, 2007, pp. 178-183.

93.  X. Chen**, H.H. Refai, X. Ma, "Broadcasting performance comparison among IVC MAC protocol candidates", Proc. IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control (MSC), Singapore, 2007.

94.  X. Chen**, H.H. Refai, X. Ma, "A quantitative approach to evaluate DSRC highway inter-vehicle safety communication," Proc. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), Washington, DC, 2007, pp. 151-155.

95.  X. Chen**, H.H. Refai, X. Ma "Saturation performance of IEEE 802.11 broadcast scheme in ad hoc wireless LANs," Proc. 66th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Baltimore, MD, 2007, pp. 1897-1901.

96.  Xi. Ma, X. Chen**, H.H. Refai, "Unsaturated performance of IEEE 802.11 broadcast service in vehicle-to-vehicle networks," Proc. 66th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Baltimore, MD, 2007, pp.1957-1961.

97.  X. Chen**, Y. Tachwali**, H.H. Refai, X. Ma, “Impact of EIFS on IEEE 802.11 DCF performance,” Proc. 4th International Symposium on Mechatronics and its Applications (ISMA), Sharjah, UAE, 2007.

98.  Y. Tachwali**, H.H. Refai, J.E. Fagan, “Minimizing HVAC energy consumption using a wireless sensor network,” Proc. 33rd Annual Conference IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON), Taipei, Taiwan, 2007.

99.  A. Harris, K. Mouhammad, A. Akkoumi, F.N. Beainy, R.C. Huck, P.K. Verma, H. H. Refai, “Hybrid networks–free space optics to balloon mounted wireless LAN for remote emergency operations,” Proc. IASTED International Conference Wireless and Optical Communications (WOC), Montreal, Canada, 2007.

100. X. Chen**, Y. Tachwali**, H.H. Refai, X. Ma, “Impact of EIFS on IEEE 802.11 DCF performance,” Proc. Fourth International Symposium on Mechatronics and Its Applications (ISMA07), Sharjah, UAE, 2007.

101 Y. Tachwali** and H.H. Refai, ”Vehicle collision avoidance system using wireless embedded systems,” Proc. Fourth International Symposium on Mechatronics and Its Applications (ISMA07), Sharjah, UAE, 2007.

102. P.G. LoPresti, H.H. Refai, J.J. Sluss, "Mitigating angular misalighnment from atmospheric effects in FSO links," Proc. SPIE Defense and Security 2007, Orlando, FL, vol. 6551, pp. 65510k-1-9.

103. P.G. LoPresti, N. Brooks, W. Sumpter, H.H. Refai, "Fiber bundles in transceivers to mitigate scintillation effects on free-space optical networks," Proc. SPIE Defense and Security 2007, vol. 6551, pp. 65510N-1-9.

104. X. Ma, H.H. Refai, X. Chen*,“Analysis of sliding frame R-ALOHA for real-time ad hoc wireless networks in a fading environment,” Proc. 64th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Montreal, Canada, 2006.

105. X. Ma, H.H. Refai, X. Chen*, “Transient analysis of sliding frame R-ALOHA for real-time ad hoc wireless networks with capture effect,” Proc. 64th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Montreal, Canada, 2006.

106. A. Harris, J.J. Sluss, Jr., H.H. Refai, P.G. LoPresti, ”Atmospheric turbulence effects on a wavelength diversified ground-to-UAV FSO link,” Proc. SPIE Photonics West, San Jose, CA, 2006.

107. N.A. Ferzli, C.J. Sandburg, T. King*, J.S. Pei, M.M. Zaman, H.H. Refai, R.A. Ivey, O. Harris, ”Experimental investigation of ‘smart dust’ for pavement condition monitoring,” Proc. IMAC XXIV Conference, St. Louis, MO, 2006.

108. N.A. Ferzli, R.A. Ivey,  T. King*, C.J. Sandburg, J.S. Pei, M.M. Zaman, H.H. Refai, H.J. Lin, A.R. Landrum, R. Victor, “An application of ‘smart dust’ for pavement condition monitoring,” Proc. SPIE International Symposia Smart Structures & Materials/NDE, San Diego, CA,  2006.

109. T. Wang* and H.H. Refai, “The development of an empirical delay model for IEEE 802.11b/g based on SNR measurements,” Proc. 1st IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Quality-of-Service, Maui, HI, 2005.

110. S. Yang**, H.H. Refai, X. Ma, “Steady state analysis of R-ALOHA system in mobile wireless environment,” Proc. 1st IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Quality-of-Service, Maui, HI, 2005.

111. S. Yang** and H.H. Refai, “Novel application of hybrid spread spectrum technique in inter-vehicle communications,” Proc. 8th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vienna, Austria, 2005.

112. S. Yang**, H.H. Refai, “CSMA based inter-vehicle communication using vehicle information for priority,” Proc. 8th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vienna, Austria, 2005.

113. X. Ma, P. Hrubik*, H.H. Refai, S. Yang*, “Capture effect on R-ALOHA protocol for inter-vehicle communications,” Proc. IEEE 62nd Semiannual Vehicular Technology Conference, Dallas, TX, 2005.

114. Y. Li, H.H. Refai, P.G. LoPresti, P. Verma, ”Positioning and tracking system for mobile free space optical ad hoc network,” Proc. SPIE Optics & Photonics 2005 Symposium. San Diego, CA.

115. T. King*, H.H. Refai, J.J. Sluss, Jr., P.G. LoPresti, “Control system bandwidth requirement for air-to-air laser communication using simulation,” Proc. IEEE 24th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, Washington DC, 2005.

116. A. Harris, James J. Sluss, Jr., H.H. Refai, P.G. LoPresti, “Alignment and tracking of a free-space optical communication link to a UAV,” Proc. IEEE 24th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, Washington DC, 2005.

117. P. Yan, J.J. Sluss, Jr., H.H. Refai, P.G. LoPresti, “An initial study of mobile ad hoc networks with free space optical capabilities,” Proc. IEEE 24th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, Washington DC, 2005.

118. P.G. LoPresti, H.H. Refai, J.J. Sluss, Jr., “Adaptive divergence and power for improving connectivity in free space optical mobile networks,” Proc. IEEE 24th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, Washington DC, 2005.

119. H.H. Refai and J.J. Sluss, Jr., “A laboratory course for telecommunications systems engineering,” Proc. American Society of Engineering Educators 2005 Annual Conference and Exposition, Portland, OR.

120. E. Wainright*, H.H. Refai, J.J. Sluss, Jr., “Wavelength diversity in free-space optics to alleviate fog effects,” Proc. SPIE Photonics West 2005, San Jose, CA.

121. W. Saw*, H.H. Refai, J.J. Sluss, Jr., “Free-space optical alignment system using GPS,” Proc. SPIE Photonics West 2005, San Jose, CA.

122. T. Wang* and H.H. Refai,Empirical network performance analysis on IEEE 802.11a/b/g with different protocols and signal to noise ratio values,” Proc. IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks (WOCN 2005), Dubai, UAE.

123. K. Yu*, J. Chen*, H.H. Refai, ”WLAN-based indoor medical residents positioning system,” Proc. IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks (WOCN 2005), Dubai, UAE.

124.   Hakki H. Refai, J.J. Sluss, Jr., H.H. Refai, “The use of free-space optical links for CATV applications,” Proc. SPIE Opto Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, 2005.

125.   A. Harris, J.J. Sluss, Jr., H.H. Refai, “Analysis of beam steering tolerances and divergence for various long range FSO communication links,” Proc. SPIE Defense and Security Symposium, Orlando, FL, 2005.

126. A. Harris, J.J. Sluss, Jr., H.H. Refai, “Comparative performance study of active beam steering elements for ultra long FSO links,” Proc. SPIE Defense and Security Symposium, Orlando, FL, 2005.

127. Hakki H. Refai, J.J. Sluss, Jr., H.H. Refai,” The transmission of multiple RF signals in free-space optics using wavelength division multiplexing,” Proc. SPIE Defense and Security Symposium, Orlando, FL, 2005.

128.   Hakki H. Refai, J.J. Sluss, Jr., H.H. Refai, “Free-space optical communication performance in the presence of interfering laser signals,” Proc. SPIE Defense and Security Symposium, Orlando, FL, 2005.

129.   Hakki H. Refai, Ja.J. Sluss, Jr., H.H. Refai, M. Atiquzzaman, “Transporting RF signals over free-space optical links,” Proc. SPIE Photonics West 2005, San Jose, CA.

130. M. Gadkari*, H.H. Refai, J.J. Sluss, Jr., T.A. Broughan, T.K. Teague, R. Naukam, “The detection of single hepatocytes within clusters in microscopic images,” Proc. IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation (SSIAI) 2004, Lake Tahoe, NV, pp. 192-5.

131.   T. Wang*, H.H. Refai, Q. Wang,” Performance analysis of the WLAN based on IEEE 802.11a/b/g standards in the presence of an interfering cordless phone,” IEEE 1st International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks (WOCN 2004), Muscat, Oman, pp.102-5.

132. Hakki H. Refai, J.J. Sluss, Jr., H.H. Refai, “Interconnection of IS-95 CDMA microcells using free-space optical links,” Proc. 1st IEEE and IFIP International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks (WOCN 2004), Muscat, Oman, pp. 78-81.

133.   H.H. Refai and J.J. Sluss, Jr., “Work in Progress:  Incorporation of OPNET simulation into a telecommunications systems laboratory course,” Proc. Frontiers in Education Conference 2004, Savannah, GA, pp. #S2C-3..

134.   H.H. Refai and J.J. Sluss, Jr., “Incorporation of CelPlan simulation into a wireless network course,” Proc. 33rd International Symposium IGIP/IEEE/ASEE 2004; Local Identity – Global Awareness: Engineering Education Today, Fribourg, Switzerland, 2004, pp. 483-8.

135.   J.J. Sluss, Jr., G.E. Crain, S.V. Kartalopoulos, H.H. Refai, P. K. Verma, “A graduate degree program in telecommunications systems engineering,” Proc. American Society of Engineering Educators 2004 Annual Conference and Exposition, Salt Lake City, UT, Paper# 2004-1355.

136. H.H. Refai, S. Yang*, J.J. Sluss, Jr., “Auto-collision avoidance system using DGPS,” Proc. 11th Saint Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2004, pp. 49-50.

137. S. Yang** and H.H. Refai,” Inter-vehicle communication system using hybrid spread spectrum techniques,” Proc. 2004 International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks, Venice, Italy, pp.123-6.

138. Hakki H. Refai, J.J. Sluss, Jr, H.H. Refai, “Optical interference on free-space optical transceiver,” Proc. Frontiers in Optics–87th Optical Society of America Annual Meeting, Tuscon, AZ, 2003.

139. H.H. Refai, J.J. Sluss, Jr, Hakki H. Refai “The effects of interference on free-space optical transceivers” Proc. Optical Communications: Networks and Technology (OCNET) 2003, Tulsa, OK.

140. H. H. Refai, Lun Li*, T.K. Teague, A. R. Naukam, “Automatic count of hepatocytes in microscopic images,” Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2003, Annual Conference, Barchelona, Spain.

141. J. J. Sluss, Jr., S.V. Kartalopoulos, H.H. Refai, M.J. Riley, and P.K. Verma, “The telecommunications interoperability laboratory,” Proc. American Society of Engineering Educators 2003 Annual Conference and Exposition, Nashville, TN.

142. H. Hejjo, and J.E. Fagan, “Teaching wireless concepts and theories using commercial software,” Proc. Frontiers in Education 2003, Annual Conference, Boulder, CO.

143. H. Hejjo and J. Fagan, “Flight test results in a program to develop new terminal instrument procedures TERPS for precision and WAAS approaches,” Proc. Institute of Navigation Technical Conference, San Diego, CA, 1999.

144. J. Fagan, H. Hejjo, E. Darne, “A static and dynamic analysis of the operational GPS WAAS for use in precision and non-precision approaches,” Proc. Institute of Navigation Annual Conference, Kansas City, MO, 1998.

145. H. Hejjo and John Fagan, “Flow visualization technique for the investigation of      hydraulic fracturing,” Proc. Society of Petroleum Engineers, San Antonio, TX, 1997.

146. H. Hejjo and J. Fagan, “Final results in a program to develop a new terminal instrument procedures TERPS for GPS approaches,” Proc. Institute of Navigation Annual Conference, Sand Spring, CA, 1996.


Technical Report:

1.     Refai, H., Othman, A., Tafish, H. “The development of a portable Weigh-in-Motion for pavement design- Phase 1 and 2”, Oklahoma Department of Transportation, July 2014. FHWA-OK-14-07.

2.     Refai, H. “The Development of a Portable Weigh-in-Motion System”, Oklahoma Transportation Center, October 2013, OTCREOS10.1-35-F.

3.     Refai, H. “Accurate Vehicle Classification Including Motorcycles Using Piezoelectric Sensors” Oklahoma Transportation Center, 2013, OTCREOS9.1-42-F.


Refereed Conference Papers with Abstract/Summary and Presentation

1.     Mayeli, A., Zotev, V., Refai, H., Bodurka, J., “Evaluation of Real-time Removal of Cardiobalistic Artifacts from EEG Data Acquired during fMRI,” In: Proc. of Human Brain Mapping Conference, Honolulu, Abst. 7423, 2015.

2.     Mayeli, A., Zotev, V., Refai, H., Bodurka, J., “ICA- Based Automatic Artifact Removal from EEG Data Recorded Simultaneously with fMRI,” In: Proc. of Human Brain Mapping Conference, Honolulu, Abst. 7541, 2015.

3.     Mayeli, A., Zotev, V., Refai, H., Bodurka, J., “Fast Detection and Efficient Suppression of Motion Artefacts in EEG Data with Moving Standard Deviation and Spline Interpolation,” In: Real-time Functional Imaging and Neurofeedback, Gainesville, Abst. 6906, 2015.

4.     Rajab, S., Mayeli, A., and Refai, H. A presentation was delivered at the TRB- North American Travel Monitoring Exposition and Conference (NATMEC) that was held in Chicago, Il during June 29- July 2, 2014. The title of the presentation is “A Novel Technique for Measuring Vehicle Speed and Classifying Vehicles Using Multi-element Piezoelectric Sensor”.  The number of attendees was 150 (estimate).

5.     Othman, A. and Refai, H. Johnson, D. A presentation was delivered at the TRB- North American Travel Monitoring Exposition and Conference (NATMEC) that was held in Chicago, Il during June 29- July 2, 2014. The title of the presentation is “THE DEVELOPMENT OF A PORTABLE WEIGH-IN-MOTION SYSTEM”.  The number of attendees was 150 (estimate).

6.     Al Kalaa, M., Refai, H., and Johnson, D. A presentation was delivered at the TRB- North American Travel Monitoring Exposition and Conference (NATMEC) that was held in Chicago, Il during June 29- July 2, 2014. The title of the presentation is “Classification Accuracy Study for AVC and WIM Sites using Video Validation Tool”.  The number of attendees was 150 (estimate).

7.     Refai, H. A presentation was delivered at the TRB- North American Travel Monitoring Exposition and Conference (NATMEC) that was held in Chicago, Il during June 29- July 2, 2014. The title of the presentation is “Real-Time Road Traffic and Weather Monitoring Over Wireless Cellular Networks”.  The number of attendees was 150 (estimate).

8.     A presentation was delivered at the TRB- NATMEC conference that was held in Dallas during June 4-7, 2012. The title of the presentation is “Accurate Vehicle Classification including Motorcycles using Peizoelectric Sensors”.  The number of attendees was 150 (estimate).

9.     A presentation was delivered at the TRB- NATMEC in Dallas during June 4-7, 2012. The title of the presentation is “Real-Time Traffic Monitoring System”. The number of attendees was 100 (estimate).

10.  M Falahpour**, H Refai, J Bodurka, (2012), "Average white matter fMRI signal characterization using Weisskoff plot flip angle dependence", Proceedings of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Abstract No. 6376.

11.  M Falahpour**, H Refai, J Bodurka, (2012), "Brain Tissue Specific Spatial Distributions of fMRI Physiological Noise: CSF Noise High or Low?’,  Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Abstract No. 1978

12.  J. Habashi and H.H. Refai “Action research: A tool to bridge the gap between engineering research and experience and authentic inquiry-based school science and mathematics curriculum,” presented at American Education Research Association (AERA) Conference, Chicago, IL, April 9–13, 2007.

13.  H.H. Refai, M.S. Gadkari*, R. Naukam, T.K. Teague, T.A. Broughan, “Automatic detection and count of hepatocytes imaged in culture,” presented at OU-Tulsa 2004 Health Research Forum, Tulsa, OK, April 14, 2004.

14.  Hakki H. Refai, J.J. Sluss, Jr., and H.H. Refai, “Optical interference on free-space optical transceivers,” presented at Frontiers in Optics–87th Optical Society of America Annual Meeting, Tuscon, AZ, October 5–9, 2003.

15.  Hakki H. Refai, J.J. Sluss, Jr., and H.H. Refai, “The effects of interference on free-space optical transceivers,” presented at Optical Communications: Networks and Technology (OCNET) 2003, Tulsa, OK, June 16–18, 2003.

16.  Hakki H. Refai, J.J. Sluss, Jr., P.K. Verma, and M. Doucet, “Free-space optical versus wireless networks: a comparison of performance parameters,” presented at the 2002 Optical Society of America Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, September 29–October 3.