University Meteorologist and Director of the Oklahoma Climate Survey Kevin Kloesel led a very informative lunch time session on severe weather in the time of COVID-19. Kevin emphasized that the best place to weather a storm is at home, especially during this time when it is not a good idea to gather in groups.
Identify an interior room or hallway, without windows, on the lowest level where you and your family and pets can shelter. When you go to your shelter make sure everyone has shoes on and each member of your household has a protective helmet (such as a bicycle or baseball helmet or a hard hat) since most weather-related injuries are to the head. Be sure you have your phone charger, a battery-operated radio or weather radio, flashlight, first aid kit and a leash for any pets.
We can all stay safe during severe weather season with a few advance preparations.
About the University of Oklahoma
Founded in 1890, the University of Oklahoma is a public research university located in Norman, Oklahoma. OU serves the educational, cultural, economic and health care needs of the state, region and nation. For more information visit