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X-Ray Lab

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Direct screening of a broadscreen crystal lead on the X-ray beam

X-ray Lab

The X-ray laboratory component of the Biomolecular Structure Core - Norman is located in room 2750 of the Stephenson Life Science Research Center on the University of Oklahoma-Norman Research campus. The purpose of the laboratory is to help researchers at the university and throughout the State of Oklahoma collect X-ray diffraction data on single crystals of protein and/or nucleic acid samples of interest, determine the structure of the molecule of interest and to use the results to further their work.

Applicable fees will be charged for services.

Services Provided:

Crystal Screening

Samples can be screened either at room temperature or low temperatures. Equipment for room temperature mounting or cryo preservation is available in the lab.

Samples can then either be used for full data collection or stored for future data collection in the X-ray laboratory or at a synchrotron.

Sample characterization includes:

  • determination of unit cell parameters
  • space group determination
  • resolution and overall diffraction quality

Data Collection

Complete data sets on both native and heavy atom derivatives can be collected. Data sets will be stored for a limited time on the laboratory computers. Software is available for the integration and scaling of collected frames.

Structure Solution

Determination and full refinement of the macromolecular structure is available in consultation with the facility manager.


All interested users must complete the required University of Oklahoma Radiation Safety training before being allowed to work in the X-ray lab. Users must then complete basic safety training provided by the facility manager. Further one-on-one training on the X-ray system will then take place before the user is allowed to use the instrument unsupervised. 


The BSC-Norman X-ray facility is equipped with a Rigaku MicroMax 007HF microfocus X-ray generator. A set of VariMax HF X-ray optics couple a Dectris Pilatus 200K silicon pixel detector to the generator. The detector is mounted on an AFC11 4-axis goniometer. An Oxford Cryosystems Cryostream 700 Series is utilized for low temperature data collection. Data collection and processing are performed on CrysAlisPro from Rigaku Oxford Diffraction. Other data processing, such as HKL2000 and iMosflm, are available. Liquid nitrogen dewars are available for long-term crystal storage.