Grid and Sample Preparation for Cryo-EM
The BSC can assist in the preparation of grids for the collection of cryo-EM single particle analysis (SPA) data. The facility has a Pelco easiGlow discharge system for grid preparation and a Leica EM-GP2 cryo plunger as well as a ThermoFisher Vitrobot for freezing samples. An assortment of commonly used cryo-EM grids is available in the BSC. The BSC can assist with shipping of samples to cryo-EM data collection facilities, as well as data transfer and processing. Individual researchers will need to apply for data collection time for their projects at a national cryo-EM center.
The cryoplungers and glow discharger are located in room 2750 of the Stephenson Life Sciences Research Center on the University of Oklahoma-Norman Research Campus.
Scheduling for the use of the grid preparation equipment can be done by contacting the facility director, Dr. Len Thomas, lmthomas@ou.edu, (405) 325-1126.
Cryo-EM Sample Screening/Data Collection on Tundra
In collaboration with OU’s Samuel Roberts Noble Microscopy Laboratory (SRNML), the BSC can assist in screening of cryo-EM grids and data collection on OU’s ThermoFisher FEI Tundra 100 kV Single Particle Cryo-TEM.
The Tundra is located in room 1655 of the Stephenson Life Sciences Research Center on the University of Oklahoma-Norman Research Campus.
Please contact the BSC facility director, Dr. Len Thomas, lmthomas@ou.edu, (405) 325-1126 or the SRNML TEM specialist, Dr. Julian Sabisch, jsabisch@ou.edu for more information.
Applicable fees will be charged for equipment training, use, and services: grid/sample preparation fees and Tundra usage fees.
Funding for the instrumentation was provided, in part, by an Institutional Development Award (IDeA) from the NIH (Award P20GM103640 and P30GM145423, PI: Dr. Ann West).