As an OU alum, I really enjoy helping make sure the university continues to be a place where new generations of students can have meaningful experiences while achieving their educational goals.
I think shared governance is important for OU Staff to make sure our voices are heard. Serving as a Senator gives staff members a key opportunity to participate in that shared governance process.
I studied Russian through high school and college, and spent a semester in St. Petersburg, Russia, but have not had any opportunity to really use it since then so I've lost a lot of knowledge. Can still pick up bits and pieces, but probably not enough to hold a conversation.
I enjoy traveling with my husband and exploring new cities we haven't visited before. I love the theater, especially musicals, and singing.
I have 4 cats - a Siamese named Cash, a calico named Stella, a tuxedo named Gomez, and an orange named Pablo (from oldest to youngest). They are endlessly entertaining goofballs.