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Staff Awards

Seed Sower medallion.

Staff Awards

Recommendation for 2025 Staff Merit Awards

Now is your opportunity to nominate one or more outstanding staff members appointed through the Norman campus for a monetary award. These awards are given to staff members for outstanding job performance. The staff members nominated must meet certain qualifications that are listed below. Please read the qualifications and instructions carefully and fill out this form to nominate a staff member whose job performance enhances the University. You may recommend as many staff members as you like, but each recommendation must be submitted on a separate form.

Stylized crimson line.

The staff member must be appointed through the Norman Campus for at least three consecutive years as of January 28, 2025, not counting student or other temporary employment, with an FTE of 50% or greater. The staff member must not have received a monetary award from the Staff Senate within the past three years. Faculty, student and other temporary employees, and executive officers are not eligible for recognition through this program.

Quality of job performance, service and dedication to the University as demonstrated by personal activity or achievement in behalf of the University or any of its organizational units, community service or special personal activities.

The committee will evaluate the recommendation forms to obtain one score for each person recommended. These scores will then be added together and averaged to get the top scores. (The committee may seek supporting information from the nominee's supervisor or director as deemed necessary to make the selection.

Nominations closed on Wednesday, February 26th, 2025.

If have have questions or need help, email Staff Senate ( or call (405) 325-5533.

Stylized crimson line.

Past Awardees





AndreaAston2023Distinguished Performance Award
AlisonBaker2024George Lynn Cross Superior Performance Award
DorionBillups2024Katie Pursley Superior Performance Award
DeborahBlevins2024Distinguished Performance Award
KristiBoren2022Distinguished Performance Award
JaredBostic2022E. Neal Stone Superior Performance Award
TaylorBoyd2024Distinguished Performance Award
SchellyBurks2023Distinguished Performance Award
LisaCannon2024Distinguished Performance Award
Nina Carlson2022Distinguished Performance Award
TashikaCarter2022Distinguished Performance Award
PriscillaCrawford2022Distinguished Performance Award
JenniferCricchio2022Distinguished Performance Award
MandyCrockett2023Distinguished Performance Award
MeganDenney2023E. Neal Stone Superior Performance Award
ChrisDoirn2024Distinguished Performance Award
KaydeeDyer2023Distinguished Performance Award
SamuelFellows2023Distinguished Performance Award
MorganGammons2023Distinguished Performance Award
BethGatewood2022George Lynn Cross Superior Performance Award
CamilleGermany2022Distinguished Performance Award
MeganHagar2024Distinguished Performance Award
BrendanHill 2022Distinguished Performance Award
MichaelHillerby2022Distinguished Performance Award
PaulHoang2024Distinguished Performance Award
MichaelJekins2024Distinguished Performance Award
MauveKay2023Distinguished Performance Award
TrishKoonce2022Katie Pursley Superior Performance Award
EmaleeLemke2022Distinguished Performance Award
StacyLemmert2022Distinguished Performance Award
PeggyLerner2022Distinguished Performance Award
DarlaMadden2024Distinguished Performance Award
JeanneMalson2023Distinguished Performance Award
KathrynMclntyre2024Distinguished Performance Award
JacquelynMiddleton2023Waintroob/Myers Superior Performance Award
LisaMorales2023George Lynn Cross Superior Performance Award
CassandraNegron2023Distinguished Performance Award
SamPainter2023Distinguished Performance Award
JessicaReynolds2023Distinguished Performance Award
TwylaReynolds2023Distinguished Performance Award
MargaritaRodriguez2024Distinguished Performance Award
KatieRogers2024Waintroob/Myers Superior Performance Award
AmberRomo2024E. Neal Stone Superior Performance Award
LesleeRoybal2022Distinguished Performance Award
HayleySharbutt2024Distinguished Performance Award
DanielSimon2024Distinguished Performance Award
AllisonSteadham2022Waintroob/Myers Superior Performance Award
DeAnnaStone2022Distinguished Performance Award
LauraSwan2023Distinguished Performance Award
ShannonToth2024Distinguished Performance Award
KristinTrammell2022Distinguished Performance Award
RobertVollmar2024Distinguished Performance Award
SunnyWenger2023Distinguished Performance Award
KelbyWilkerson2023Katie Pursley Superior Performance Award
Joel Wilson2023Distinguished Performance Award
TonyWong2024Distinguished Performance Award
KristiWright2022Distinguished Performance Award