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University Councils,
Committees and Boards

Ann Seely.
Awards Committee Chair

Ann Seely
Faculty Senate

The charge of the Awards Committee is: Planning, organizing, and executing the annual Staff Senate Awards Ceremony, luncheon, and reception at which staff are recognized for achievement, length of service and retirement.

The functions of the Awards Committee are to: Attend the yearly Awards Ceremony; Assemble and Breakdown Awards and Certificates; Make decisions on the Ceremony’s food menu and retiree gift.




Alannah CallahanResidential Colleges2024
Carolyn CarterOklahoma Memorial Union2019
William Hanby IIIOffice of Global Engagement2024
Sheniqia HaynesCareer Services2024
Robert KellyInformation Technology2024
Trish KoonceAcademic Records2024
Cody MooreAthletic Department2024
Sara Myers-ComptonInstitutional Research & Reporting2024
Aana NadeemOffice of Admissions and Recruitment2024
Kristen OdomFacilities Management2024
Angela PoolFacilities Management2024
JA PryseCarl Albert Center2020
Jaishree RamanInformation Technology2024
Dora RappVice President for Research and Partnerships2024
Lindsay RiceSouthwest Prevention Center2023
Ann Seely (Chair)Faculty Senate2020
Bonnie Skye (ex-officio, nonvoting)Staff Senate 
Karen SturtzInformation Technology2023
Mary ThomasUniversity Collections Department2023
Heather ToddDodge Family College of Arts and Sciences2024
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Ross Mehl.
Communications Committee Chair

Ross Mehl
College of Professional and Continuing Studies

The charge of the Communications Committee is: Improving and promoting the communication of relevant issues concerning staff.

The functions of the Communications Committee are to: Create a Welcome Newsletter to be sent out in August; Create Newsletter to highlight Staff Senate Senators in January; Create a Newsletter to be sent out in April highlighting Staff Week;  Create a Standing Committee Newsletter outlining the functions of the committees and promote participation in June.




Katie CouchInformation Technology2024
Jenifer HensleePeckCollege of Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences2024
Rachel Jones-SummanGlobal Education2024
Trish KoonceAcademic Records2014
Ross Mehl (Chair)College of Professional and Continuing Studies2023
Sarah MoranSchool of Library and Information Studies2022
Sara Myers-ComptonInstitutional Research & Reporting2024
Derrick NewbySouthwest Prevention Center2024
Kayla O'MalleyOffice of Advocacy and Education2024
Jessica RossmanOperations Finance2021
Bonnie Skye (ex-officio, nonvoting)Staff Senate 
Stacy SmithGallogy College of Engineering2024
Karen SturtzInformation Technology2022
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Kelsey Martyn-Farewell.
Staff Initiatives Committee Chair

Kelsey Martyn-Farewell
Gaylord College

The charge of the Staff Initiatives Committee is: To facilitate networking, exchange ideas and suggest ways to enhance staff engagement and work effectiveness.

The functions of the Staff Initiatives Committee are: Researching, discussing, reporting, and making recommendations on current and proposed policy, as directed by Staff Senate or as identified by the committee, to define and promote policies that are in the best interest of OU Staff.




Elaine BradshawCollege of Law Library2024
Bethany BurklundGallogly College of Engineering2022
Sarah ConnellyE-TEAM2023
Jonathan DewhirstFitness + Recreation2020
William HanbyIIIOffice of Global Engagement2024
Dillon HenryOperations Finance2024
Kelsey Martyn-Farewell(Chair)Gaylord College2021
Annie MatulaInformation Technology2024
Sage MauldinGraduate College2023
Patrick McClain(ex-officio,nonvoting)Human Resources 
Katherine McRae Carl Albert Center2020
Cody MooreAthletics2024
Sarah MoranSchool of Library and Information Studies2022
Sara Myers-ComptonInstitutional Research & Reporting2024
Kayla O'MalleyOffice of Advocacy and Education2024
Angela PoolFacilities Management2024
JA PryseCarl Albert Center2024
Fred ReissUniversity Libraries2023
Lindsay RiceSouthwest Prevention Center2023
Ann SeelyFaculty Senate2023
Stuart SimpsonFacilities Management2024
Bonnie Skye(ex-officio,nonvoting)Staff Senate 
Jonathan StillDivision of Access and Opportunity2023
Karen SturtzInformation Technology2023
Kelly ThompsonUniversity Libraries2024
Danielle WalkerInstitutional Equity Office2021
Glenn WarshawResidence Life2024
Kirk WilsonOklahoma Climate Survey2023
Kellianne YangInstitutional Research & Reporting2024
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Jessica Rossman.
Staff Week Committee Chair

Jessica Rossman
Operations Finance

The charge of the Staff Week Committee is: Develop, plan, and coordinate events, activities, and outings for Staff. 

The functions of the Staff Week Committee  are: Coordinating, promoting, and assisting with the activities of the annual OU Staff Week, which are sponsored by the Norman Staff Senate.  Activities should be submitted to the Executive Committee by the end of September for approval.




Suzie BrewerSociology2024
Alannah CallahanResidential Colleges2024
William HanbyIIIOffice of Global Engagement2024
Sheniqia HaynesCareer Services2024
Kathleen HollowayWilliam Student Services Center2024
J. Trent HorstkoetterFinancial Aid Services2024
Kindra LenzmeierResearch Financial Services2024
Crystal MarshallCenter for Applied Social Research2024
Ross MehlCollege of Professional and Continuing Studies2024
Lauren Monterroso ShawCareer Services2024
Sarah MoranSchool of Library and Information Studies2024
Sara Myers-ComptonInstitutional Research & Reporting2024
Kristen OdomFacilities Management2024
Angela PoolFacilities Management2024
Jaishree RamanInformation Technology2024
Allison RichardsonMewbourne College of Earth & Energy2023
Jessica Rossman (Chair)Operations Finance2022
Bonnie Skye (ex-officio, nonvoting)Staff Senate 
Emma SparksUniversity Libraries2024
Stephanie TerrazasDodge Family College of Arts and Sciences2024
Alison VinsonHuman Resources2024
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Kristi Wright.
Committee on Committees Chair

Kristi Wright, Chair Elect

The Committee on Committees shall consist of five (5) members, who serve two (2) year staggered terms: Members and replacement members shall be selected by the Executive Committee; All nominees shall be selected from current Senators; Nominations to this committee shall be presented for approval by the Norman Staff Senate at the June meeting; New member appointments shall begin August 1. The Norman Staff Senate Chair-Elect shall chair this committee and the Administrative Manager shall serve as a non-voting member. 

The function of the Committee on Committees is to: Convene when necessary to nominate staff to serve on Norman Staff Senate, search committees, ad hoc committees, Norman Campus and University Committees, or any other committees; Convene when necessary to review and advise on recommendations to form special committees; Review the Staff Senate composition, as necessary, to maintain equitable representation and ensure the continuity of group representation and Norman Staff Senate membership.




Kyle BrunsmannFacilities Management2024-2026
Ross MehlCollege of Professional and Continuing Studies2023-2025
Cody MooreAthletics2024-2026
Jessica RossmanOperations Finance2023-2025
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Kristi Wright.
Merit Award Selection Committee Chair

Kristi Wright, Chair Elect

The Merit Award Selection Committee shall consist of at least six (6) members who shall serve from January to April within a one-year period. The Norman Staff Senate Chair-Elect shall chair this committee as a non-voting member and the Administrative Manager shall serve as a non-voting member.

The function of the Merit Award Selection Committee is to: Determine the ranking and selection procedures for determining the awards using the criteria established by the Norman Staff Senate. Select staff from eligible nominees to receive the Superior and Distinguished Merit Awards each year. 

Any committee member nominated to receive an award shall, upon receipt by the Norman Staff Senate Office of that nomination, immediately become ineligible to serve on the committee. 




Edwin AmayaArchitecture and Engineering ServicesJanuary 2025 - April 2025
Ashley BowenFacilities ManagementJanuary 2025 - April 2025
JVincent DeberryCenter for Public ManagementJanuary 2025 - April 2025
Megan DenneyGallogly College of EngineeringJanuary 2025 - April 2025
Quincy GarnerBursar ServicesJanuary 2025 - April 2025
Samarpita GhoshAerospace and Mechanical EngineeringJanuary 2025 - April 2025
Kristen OdomFacilities ManagementJanuary 2025 - April 2025
JA PryseCarl Albert CenterJanuary 2025 - April 2025
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Kristi Wright.
Policy Review Committee Chair

Kristi Wright, Chair Elect

The Policy Review Committee shall consist of five (5) members who serve two (2) year staggered terms, beginning August 1. The Norman Staff Senate Chair-Elect shall chair this committee and the Administrative Manager shall serve as a non-voting member. 

The functions of the Policy Review Committee are to: Annually review the Constitution and Operating Procedures and recommend changes, as appropriate, to the Norman Staff Senate; Review all proposed amendments to the Constitution and Operating Procedures and make recommendations concerning those proposed changes to the Norman Staff Senate; Every three years review Standing Committees and make recommended changes to the committees’ respective charges; Review and make recommendations for changes to the Norman Staff Senate policies or procedures, as directed by the Norman Staff Senate.




Sarah ConnellyE-TEAM2023-2025
Shane FitzpatrickAthletics2023-2025
Patrick McClainHuman Resources2024-2026
Kayla O'MalleyOffice of Advocacy and Education2024-2026
Cass WaltersPayroll Services2024-2026
Stylized crimson line.
A person silhouette icon in white over a crimson background.
Community Outreach Committee Chair

Tanya Miller Eager
Gallogly College of Engineering

The Community Outreach Committee shall consist of at least six (6) members who serve two (2) year staggered terms, beginning August 1. The Chair of the committee shall be appointed annually by the Chair of the Norman Staff Senate. The Past Chair of the committee may serve in an advisory capacity. 

The functions of the Community Outreach Committee are to: Assist Norman staff in their growth as individuals, leaders and members of the community;  Provide opportunities to serve the broader community with time and effort using the criteria established by the Norman Staff Senate.




Imelda AldavaSchool of Meteorology2024-2026
Jessica CavinCollege of Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences2024-2026
Tyler FarrisAccess Control2024-2026
Quinn FlochSam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History2024-2026
Derris FreemanFitness and Recreation2023-2025
Marilyn KorhonenGallogly College of Engineering2023-2025
Ross MehlCollege of Professional and Continuing Studies2024-2026
Tanya Miller Eager (Chair)Gallogly College of Engineering2023-2025
Anna Moore IT Engineering Lab2024-2026
Haley PearsonAdmissions2024-2026
Danielle RomeroSouthwest Prevention Center2023-2025
Jonathan StillDivision of Access and Opportunity2024-2026
Karen SturtzInformation Technology2023-2025
Amanda TremaineAdvanced Radar Research Center2023-2025
Leslie VennochiFinancial Aid2023-2025
Twila WinklerNational Center for Disability Education and Training2023-2025