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Cathrine Chesbro

Cathrine Chesbro

Senator, 2024-2026

Cathrine Chesbro.

School of Music

I love the environment and energy! Seeing how my actions and work impact students is what makes the job worth it. I also love the staff at the School of Music and the College of Fine Arts. It is truly a joy to work with them each day!

I am so grateful for the opportunity to serve as a Senator! Cross-campus collaboration and comprehensive communication are incredibly important to me. It is important that the staff, students, faculty, and administration remember that we are more than just the department we work for and that all major decisions impact the university.

I currently serve on the Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts Dean's Staff Advisory Council.

I love all things music/musical theatre! Any opportunity to support the arts is where you'll find me. I also love cheering on the OU Women's Gymnastics Team! I've had season tickets for the last 4 years and I cannot wait for their first season in the SEC. A great weekend of music and sports is rounded out by spending time with my husband reading at Yellow Dog Coffee Co or at home with our two cats

Our two cats, Millie and Finn, are 9 years old but still as spunky as ever! They are spoiled rotten and love curling up with us on Saturdays as we watch college football or binge watch our favorite tv shows. They are the absolute best and make coming home from a stressful day at work so much better.