The Banner
The Banner, the eight-page quarterly newsletter for members of the OU Retirees Association, is published each March, June, September, and December, in both black-and-white print and full-color digital editions for postal or electronic delivery respectively. Each issue contains a cover article detailing the program for the OURA's next general meeting, minutes of the previous general meeting and of the latest Executive Board meeting, a Treasurer's report, photographs from the previous general meeting, reports on upcoming activities of the OURA Book Club and the OURA Day Trekkers, and news items and announcements of general interest to OU retirees, including health insurance and related benefits. Pictured below is the front page of a recent issue of The Banner. A complete recent issue may be downloaded and viewed by clicking on the following link:

Digital BANNER Subscription
Any OURA member who would like to receive his/her copy of The Banner electronically rather than through the mail may request this service at any time. All that is required is a reasonably up-to-date computer (or notebook or tablet) capable of downloading large PDF text-and-graphics files, plus software such as Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader (version 5.0 or higher), in order to access and view each issue on a home screen in full color rather than in the black-and-white print version sent via regular mail to our non-electronic subscribers. To sign up for digital delivery, simply notify the Banner editor at and indicate clearly the member name and the email address to which the newsletter should be sent. Members electing this service will receive their e-copies of The Banner at the same time as printed copies of the issue are being handed to the U.S. Postal Service for home delivery to non-digital subscribers.
FAQ: If I receive only the digital edition of the newsletter, how will I know when my OURA membership needs to be renewed? -- ANSWER: If your OURA membership has expired or will soon do so, you will receive an email notice from the Banner editor to that effect a few days before the latest issue of the newsletter arrives in your Inbox. This reminder notice will include all relevant details for renewing your membership.