OU Retirees Association Calendar
Beginning in March 2023, general meetings of the OURA are being held in the second-floor conference room of the First Baptist Church's Family Life Center, 300 W. Comanche St. in Norman. Any change of venue will be announced both on this web page and on page 1 of The Banner issue that precedes the meeting affected. Recent and upcoming meeting dates are:
- Thursday, December 12, 2024, 1:30 P.M.
- Thursday, March 13, 2025, 1:30 P.M
- Thursday, June 12, 2025, 1:30 P.M..
OURA DAY TREKKERS: [February 2025] Our adventure for March 2025 is based on the old song "Take Me Out to the Ball Game." Although we won't actually be attending a game, we will be taking a self-guided tour of the National Softball Hall of Fame and Museum/USA Softball Headquarters, located at 2801 NE 50th Street in Oklahoma City, on Thursday, March 20th. Admission and parking are free. The National Softball Hall of Fame was established in 1957 and originally located in New Jersey. It moved to Oklahoma City in 1970 and opened to the public in 1973. With several expansions over the years, the facilities, including Devon Park, encompass a total of 28,406 square feet of space. Don't worry though; we will not be walking all of it! - For those who wish to carpool, we'll meet at 10:00am in the northwest corner of the Homeland parking lot at West Robinson and I-35 in Norman, drive north on I-35 to Bryant Avenue exit 132A, and head west on NE 50th to the Softball Museum, arriving at approximately 10:40am. After our tour, at roughly 11:45am, for those who wish to join us, we'll head to Bedlam BBQ at 610 NE 50th for lunch. - As always, the March 2025 outing will be open to OURA members, their families and friends, and to nonmembers alike. Everyone is welcome. - An RSVP by March 18th will be appreciated, especially if you plan to join us for lunch. - Grettie Bondy, gbondy@ou.edu, 405-447-8818 (h), 405-537-2642 (c).
OURA BOOK CLUB: [March 2025] Until Norman's Central Library reopens, the OURA Book Club is holding its monthly meetings at The Well in central Norman. - The club's March 18th discussion centers on Lynda Rutledge's 2021 reality-based account West with Giraffes, "an emotional, rousing novel inspired by the incredible true story of two giraffes who made headlines and won the hearts of Depression-era America." On April 15th the group will discuss Chasing Space, "a revelatory and moving memoir in which former NASA astronaut and NFL wide receiver Leland Melvin shares his personal journey from the gridiron to the stars, examining the intersecting roles of community, perseverance, and grace that align to create the opportunities for success." - On May 20th club members' attention turns to Sigrid Nunez's 2023 novel The Vulnerables, the subject of which "is the core business of being alive: the tenuous beauty of human connection, the nature of memory, the purpose of writing, the passage of time. The result is almost arrestingly straightforward. Spare and understated and often quite funny, the experience is less like reading fiction than like eavesdropping on someone else's brain." On June 17th the group tackles Lisa Wingate's 2024 novel Shelterwood, "her best book yet, one which explores crucial societal issues against the nail-biting backdrop of early twentieth-century Oklahoma, where the struggle for land and oil threatens lives. A spellbinding and important tale." - Unless otherwise announced, all club meetings begin at 1:30 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month, and of course every meeting is open to OURA members and nonmembers alike. For further information about the club, about obtaining the selected books, and about future meeting dates, times, and locales, contact club co-chair Debbie Blasiar at dblasiar@ou.edu, (405) 664-1914.
Programs 2003-2024
- March 2025, OURA Immediate Past President Dan Snell appearing as Mark Twain
- December 2024, OU junior musical theatre major Trace Burchart, "Vocal Selections Including Seasonal Songs and Musical Theatre Numbers"
- September 2024, NPD Det. Dustin Underhill, "Personal and Online Security for Seniors"
- June 2024, Courtney DeKalb-Myers, Cleveland County Horticulture Educator, "Native Plants in Small Spaces"
- March 2024, Katherine Leidy of Healthy Norman Living, Presentation and Guided Tour of Norman's new Adult Wellness & Education Center
- December 2023, Doctor of Fine Arts student Audrey Oden, Seasonal Music for Guitar
- September 2023, Phil Joy, "Tai Chi and Chi Kung for Seniors"
- June 2023, Inger Giuffrida, "WildCare's Year-Round Rescue, Rehab, and Release Program"
- March 2023, Shelly Ramirez & Anita Roten, "Tour and Travel Opportunities for Seniors"
- December 2022, OU harpist Caroline Robinson, "Seasonal and Classical Music"
- September 2022, Michael Dean, Introduction to Sooner Station, Norman's newest senior living and memory care facility.
- June 2022, Introduction to The Well, Norman's new wellness center, and a Silent Auction benefitting the OURA Endowed Scholarship.
- March 2022, Retiree benefits report and discussion, featuring OU's new Vice President for Human Resources Dorothy Anderson and OUHR Director of Benefits & Retirement Lee Camargo-Quinn.
- December 2021, Social gathering for current members, special guests, and prospective new members, with fun quizzes, door prizes, gift packets, and Bingo competition.
- September 2021, Dean of Fine Arts Mary Margaret Holt and Fred Jones Jr Museum of Art audience-development director Lesha Maag, "2021-22 Theatre/Music/Dance Events and Art Exhibits at OU."
- June 2021, Claire Dowers-Nichols, Executive Director of Healthy Living & Fitness Inc., "Norman's New Senior Wellness Center."
- March 2021, Meeting canceled due to health concerns during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- December 2020, Meeting canceled due to health concerns during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- September 2020, Meeting canceled due to health concerns during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- June 2020, Meeting canceled due to health concerns during the COVID-19 pandemic
- March 2020, Kevin Kloesel, Oklahoma Climatological Survey Director, "Weather-Emergency Preparedness"
- December 2019, Nicole Van Every, Soprano, "Festive Seasonal & Holiday Music"
- September 2019, Cody Plunk, Director of Therapy in Motion's Purcell clinic, "Living a Healthy Life,"
- June 2019, Caroline Dulworth, Associate Director of the Pioneer Library System, "The New Norman Public Library Central"
- March 2019, Polly Christian, President of the Oklahoma Retired Educators Association, "Advocating for TRS Cost-of-Living Adjustments and Other Retiree Benefits"
- December 2018, OU's Xenon Quartet [saxophone ensemble], "Festive Holiday Music"
- September 2018, Jim Miller, "Savvy Senior: Gadgets & Gizmos for Easier Aging"
- June 2018, KGOU General Manager Dick Pryor, "KGOU Radio and Public Service Media"
- March 2018, Ken Johnson, "River Cruises in the U.S. and Canada"
- Dec 2017, OU Soprano Skye Singleton, "Festive Holiday Music"
- Sept 2017, "Volunteer Opportunities for Norman Seniors and Retirees"
- June 2017, April Heiple, "Norman's 'Food & Shelter' Program for the Homeless"
- March 2017, Terry Floyd and Jud Foster, "The 'Norman Forward' Projects"
- Dec 2016, OU Student Brass Quintet, "Seasonal Holiday Music"
- Sept 2016, Charles Kimball, "Islam in the 21st Century: What in the World Is Going On . . . and Why?"
- June 2016, Angelo Lombardo, "Traffic Planning in Norman: Past, Present, Future"
- Mar 2016, Climatological Survey Director Kevin Kloesel, "Severe Weather Emergency Preparedness"
- Dec 2015, OU Student Woodwind Quartet, "Seasonal Holiday Music"
- Sept 2015, Debra Bemben, "Osteoporosis and Exercise"
- June 2015, Jay Wilkinson, "Dear Jay, Love Dad," Letters from Bud Wilkinson
- Mar 2015, KGOU General Manager Karen Holp, "KGOU Radio & Jazz in June"
- Dec 2014, Jerry Hargis and Allan Ross, Holiday music program "Through the Years to Christmas"
- Sep 2014, John Lovett, Curator of OU Libraries' Western History Collections, "Photography in Oklahoma: 1870-1940"
- June 2014, OU Office of Human Resources and Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
- Mar 2014, Bill Crynes, OU College of Engineering, "Outhouses: A Passing Americana"
- Dec 2013 Jennifer Baker and Jerry Hargis and Allan Ross performing holiday music
- Sep 2013 Bob Goins, OU Regional & City Planning, "Norman’s Early and Wartime Formative Years"
- June 2013 Keith Gaddie, OU Political Science, "Oklahoma’s Forrest Gump Politics"
- Mar 2013 David Boeck, OU Prof. of Architecture, "Age-Friendly Design"
- Dec 2012 Lauren Sonder (Sonder Music & Arts) and students with holiday music
- Sep 2012 David Levy, OU History Prof., "Mark Twain's Life and Work"
- June 2012 Kate Richey, Oklahoma Policy Institute analyst, "The Affordable Care Act"
- Mar 2012 Cindy Rosenthal, "Personnel Issues Facing Today's Public Employees"
- Dec 2011 Prof. Irvin Wagner and OU trombone students performing holiday music
- Sep 2011 Norman Cooper, Okla. Retired Educators Ass'n Director, "Today's State Politics"
- June 2011 Julius Hilburn and Nick Kelly, "OU Retiree Health Insurance"
- Mar 2011 Judith Evans, "Life on Purpose and Coaching Kids and similar life-skill programs"
- Dec 2010 Allan Ross and Debbie Zizzo performing holiday music
- Sep 2010 David Fields, OUHSC Prof. of Pediatrics, "Diet/Fitness/Weight/Health in Seniors"
- June 2010 Alvin Turner, "Changing Images of Oklahoma from 1890 to Today"
- Mar 2010 Tom Huston Orr, OU Drama Prof., "Combat Choreography and Staging"
- Dec 2009 OU Student String Quartet performing Yuletide favorites
- Sep 2009 Steve Lewis, Norman City Manager, "An Update on the Status of the City and Projects Under Consideration for the Upcoming Year"
- June 2009 Jackie Farley, co-founder and director of WISE Women Inc. and an OU retiree and OURA member, "Lifestyle Management for All and Everyday Assistance for Busy Individuals"
- Mar 2009 Dr. Robert Dauffenbach, director of the Center for Economic and Management Research in OU’s Price College of Business, "The Oklahoma and U.S. Economies: Present Conditions and Future Prospects"
- Dec 2008 Dan Davis and Jerry Hargis and the Moss Brothers, "A Western Christmas Music Program"
- Sep 2008 Jackie Farley, Wise Women Inc., "Travel Hints for Seniors"
- June 2008 Robert Ferrier and Mary Menges Myers, "Poetry from Oklahoma"
- Mar 2008 Gordon Greene, "Ethics on Horseback: What I Learned from Hoppy, Gene and Roy"
- Dec 2007 Dan Davis and Jerry Hargis, Christmas Program CANCELLED DUE TO ICE STORM
- Sep 2007 David M. Levy, "The Rise and Fall and Rise and fall of Edwin (‘Daddy’) DeBarr"
- June 2007 John Burns CFP, Burns Advisory Group, "Investments, Trusts, Probate"
- Mar 2007 T.H. Milby, "Discovering Oklahoma: Four Centuries of Exploration"
- Dec 2006 Jennifer Heavner Baker and Dan Davis and Jerry Hargis, holiday music program
- Sep 2006 Julie A. Bayes, Oklahoma Attorney General’s Office, "Identity Theft and Consumer and Internet Fraud"
- June 2006, Shari Carney portraying Sacagawea and telling the story of the Lewis & Clark Expedition
- Mar 2006, Dr. Bruce Roe, “Human Genomes”
- Dec 2005, The Sweet Adelines performing a program of holiday songs
- Sep 2005, Dr. Rufus Fears, “The Art and Leadership of Winston Churchill”
- June 2005, Ron Stahl, “Discover Oklahoma!”
- Mar 2005, Jack Hobson, “OU Campus History and Lore”
- Dec 2004, OU Faculty Brass Quintet performing holiday music
- Sep 2004, Jim Miller, “The Savvy Senior”
- June 2004, Gordon Greene, “Elderhostel: Ways to Spend Your Retirement in Exotic Places at Budget Prices Retirees Can Afford”
- Mar 2004, Grant Farimond, Information about ongoing programs at Norman Regional from senior aerobics to yoga classes
- Dec 2003, Dan Davis and Jerry Hargis performing a program of holiday music
- Sep 2003, Bonnie Dunn and Todd Balcom of Transition House, “Music Therapy with Drums”
- June 2003, Cleveland County Deputy Sheriff Kim Lucas, “Scams on Seniors” plus free stroke screening
- Mar 2003, Loretta Hamilton-Geary, telling about her brother, Lt. Hershel Wilson, a B-17 pilot missing in action during WWII and later found to be buried in Belgium