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Privacy Policy

The University of Oklahoma is committed to respecting your privacy. Should you choose to provide us with any personal information, it will only be used by The University of Oklahoma to conduct official University business.

Read the full privacy policy.

Expressive Activity Annual Report

To report incidents to the Oklahoma State Regents Free Speech Committee, please use the link: Free Speech Violation Complaint Form

Report Your Event

All Youth Protection events must be reported to Enterprise Risk Management. Please click the button below to report your event. A member of the Enterprise Risk Management team will contact you to ensure compliance with all Youth Protection policies. 

Report Your Event

Youth Protection Policy

Policy for the Norman Campus

The University of Oklahoma has numerous campus locations and a variety of events that attract minors, whether sponsored by the University or by third parties. This policy is meant to serve as guidance for these valuable experiences. Please note, this policy may not encompass each and every encounter with a minor and should be flexible depending on the circumstances and with the approval of either a supervisor in charge of the area or facility or by the Risk Management Department in coordination with the Office of Legal Counsel.

Below is the link to “Youth Protection Policy”

In response to the COVID-19 restrictions, the Youth Protection Committee has created the University Virtual Programs Youth Protection Policy and Release forms that can be utilized for University sponsored programs for minors if employees wish to host activities in a virtual format.

Youth Protection training for OU employees and students is now self-enroll and can be taken online through the OnPoint Library under the Risk Management Training topic. Found here: OnPoint

However, if you are required to take the training on an annual basis by your department, then you can request an ePAF by contacting your HR/Payroll coordinator for your department.

In addition, related checklists and forms for events involving minors are collected as separate documents for ease of use and submission. Please read “Youth Protection Policy” for the Norman Campus for more information about the checklists and forms. Submission information is below.

Attachment A – Third Party Events Sponsor Acknowledgement.  For use with Third parties. To be completed by person in charge of sponsoring the Event.

Attachment B – Event Protocols and Acknowledgment. For use with University and Third parties. To be completed by person in charge of sponsoring the Event.

Attachment C – Youth Release form (University Sponsored Events) Parent/guardian signs to approve youth participation in Event.

Attachment D – Youth Release form (Third Party Sponsored Events) Parent/guardian signs to approve youth participation in Event.

OU Report IT!

At OU, fostering an environment of integrity, respect, and the highest ethical standards is a top priority. Each member of the OU community shares the responsibility of ensuring these values are firmly upheld and concerns are promptly addressed.  The reporting hotline – OU Report It! – provides a simple and anonymous way for employees, students, and community members to report concerns related, but not limited, to: Human Resources, Academics, Safety, Student Affairs, Accounting and Financial, Regulatory/Policy Compliance, Institutional Equity, Athletics and Research.  The hotline is hosted by Navex Global, an independent third party, to provide an avenue to confidentially report suspected wrongdoing or unethical behavior without the fear of retaliation.  Violations or concerns may be submitted 24 hours a day through the following methods:

  1. Phone: (844) 428-6531
  2. Online: The OU Report It! website has been redesigned to make it easier to submit concerns. To make a report, select the appropriate campus below:
  3. Mobile: The OU Report It! hotline’s new mobile intake feature makes the reporting process even easier and faster. Access the mobile intake by scanning this QR code:
The OU IT Report It! QR code.

Additional Policies and Information

  • Alcohol Policy
  • Co-Curricular Involvement Policy
  • Facility Use Policy
  • Open Social Event Policy
  • Risk Management Policy
  • Risk Management Requirement Matrix
  • Student Travel Policy
  • 15-Passenger Van Policy

Campus Contacts

If your event does not relate to Athletics, please submit forms via email, fax OR mail to:

  • For Norman campus programs, use Norman Risk Management contacts.
  • For HSC and Tulsa Administrative programs, use HSC Risk Management contacts.
  • Risk Management Coordinator:
    Tyler Steele
    (918) 660-3878
  • OU-Tulsa PD:  (918) 660-3900
  • Title IX Office: (918) 660-3107
  • Tulsa policy link for Form C

Athletics Contact

Bryant Houk
(405) 325-8203