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Expressive Activity on Campus

Expressive Activity on Campus

The University has received a number of questions about student support, the campus climate, safety and security, University policies, and more. For more information, please visit the following links.

Support, Education and Programming

For support, community engagement and community education, please visit the Division of Access and Opportunity:

To access the University’s Expressive Activity Report, please visit:

For support regarding Norman Campus Student Resources, please visit:

For support regarding Norman Faculty Resources, please visit:

For support regarding Norman Campus Teaching Resources, please visit:

For support regarding Norman Campus Staff Resources, please visit:

For support regarding Norman Campus expressive activity and relevant policies, please visit:

To report a claim of discrimination or harassment, or to seek available remedial measures and support, please visit the Office of Institutional Equity:

For support, community engagement and community education, please visit the Division of Access and Opportunity:

For support regarding Norman Campus Student Resources, please visit:

For support regarding HSC Campus Student Resources, please visit:

For support regarding Tulsa Campus Student Resources, please visit:

For support regarding Norman Faculty Resources, please visit:

For support regarding Norman campus teaching resources, please visit:

For support regarding HSC Campus Faculty Resources, please visit:

For support regarding Tulsa Campus Faculty Resources, please visit:

For support regarding Norman Campus Staff Resources, please visit:

For support regarding HSC Staff Resources, please visit:

For support regarding Tulsa Campus Staff Resources, please visit:

For support regarding Norman Campus expressive activity and relevant policies, please visit:

For support regarding HSC Campus expressive activity and relevant policies, please visit

For support regarding Tulsa Campus expressive activity and relevant policies, please visit

To access the University’s Expressive Activity Report, please visit:

On-Campus Demonstrations

Oklahoma State Regents

For expressive activity information from the Oklahoma State Regents, please visit: Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education

Oklahoma Expressive Activity Report:

Conduct and Discipline

To report a potential policy violation, please visit or call 1-844-428-6531. For additional information, please visit the following links.


For law enforcement assistance on campus, please contact 911 or for more information please visit:


To report a potential policy violation anonymously, please visit or call 1-844-428-6531. For more information, please visit the following link for all campuses.

To report a claim of discrimination or harassment, or to seek available remedial measures and support, please visit the Office of Institutional Equity:


For emergency issues and law enforcement, please call 911.

Expressive Activity Guidelines

Election Season FAQs

Geopolitical FAQs