Detailed List of Equipment - Cryogenics
For observing cryogenic samples:
JEOL JFD-9000 freeze-fracture device
- cryopump/shroud configuration (10-8 torr)
- high resolution metal/carbon coating
- single and double replica methods
REICHERT Cryofract freeze-fracture device
- ion pump/shroud configuration (10-7 torr)
- operates at either liquid N2 or He temperatures
- double replica methods
EMscope SP-2000A cryopreparation station (SEM)
- super-cooled liquid nitrogen freezing chamber
- cryo-sputter chamber, flash carbon evaporation
- sublimation stage, vacuum transfer station
- cryoSEM stage and airlock interface to the ETEC Autoscan
GATAN Cryotransfer microscope stage (to -150° C)
- interface to JEOL JSM-880 and 2000-FX
RMC MF-7200 Propane jet ultrarapid freezing device
- state-of-the-art freezing in 1 millisecond
- suitable for biologicals and emulsions
REICHERT MM80E Metal Mirror Cryofixation System
- freezes specimens by "slamming" them into a LN2 cooled copper metal mirror
RMC MT-6000 ultramicrotome
CR-2000 cryoultramicrotomy attachment
- sections specimens embedded in ice at cryogenic temperatures
STROUT/FIELDS/RUSSELL spray freezing device
- prototype dream machine for freezing unicells
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