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Councils and Committees

Councils and Committees

Provost's Advisory Committees

Classrooms and Scheduling

The Provost's Advisory Committee for Classrooms and Scheduling (PAC-CS) is charged with giving input on centrally scheduled classrooms and course scheduling for the Norman campus to the Provost. The committee also reviews all aspects of Norman campus classrooms, prioritizes recommendations for improvements, and evaluates innovations in learning space design and instructional technology and advises on ways to enhance the student classroom experience.


PAC-CS Information

Financial Administrators and Managers

The Provost’s Advisory Committee on Financial and Administrative Management (PAC-FAM) facilitates communication and disseminates information among units that report to the Provost. In addition, this committee provides leadership in creating a community of financial and administrative managers who emphasize service, professionalism, and support across campus.

PAC-FAM Information

General Education Oversight

The Provost's Advisory Committee for General Education Oversight (PAC-GEO) is charged with assessing the OU general education program and determining if it is serving its intended function, i.e., to ensure that each student receives a broad education, regardless of area of specialization; to advise the Provost of findings; and to maintain the offical general education course listings.


PAC-GEO Information