The Provost Advisory Committee for Classrooms and Scheduling (PAC-CS) is charged with providing input on the OU-NC centrally scheduled classrooms and course scheduling to the Senior Vice President and Provost. Formed in response to a recommendation from the Classroom Renovation Task Force (2003-2004), it is charged with reviewing all aspects of the OU-NC classrooms, prioritized recommendations for improvements, and basic standards for classroom configuration and technology. The committee addresses concerns about centrally scheduled classrooms and requests for renovations and technology updates. In addition, the committee evaluates innovations in learning space design and instructional technology and advises on the implementation to enhance the student classroom experience. In 2015 the role of the committee expanded to include providing input on the course scheduling processes and practices with a focus on increasing student retention and graduation rates and increasing classroom usage efficiency. Members of the Provost Advisory Committee for Classrooms and Scheduling are appointed by the Norman campus Senior Vice President and Provost and comprise faculty and staff from the Norman campus who are involved in teaching in, scheduling, and renovation of OU-NC centrally scheduled classrooms.
Meetings |
September 9, 2024 - 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm |
October 18 2024 - 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm |
November 18, 2024 - 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm |
The Provost Advisory Committee for Classrooms and Scheduling consists of the main PAC-CS committee and a production sub-committee.
The main committee’s mission is to provide input on the standards, priorities, and requests related to centrally scheduled classrooms and to provide input on processes and practices in course scheduling. The committee includes nine faculty members in three-year rotating terms selected by the Provost based on a rotation cycle to provide input from a broad range of disciplines across the Norman campus. The committee also includes representatives from the Provost’s Office, Classroom Management, Disability Resource Center, Information Technology, and Facilities Management. The committee usually meets four times a year as needed.
The production sub-committee’s mission is to develop a timeline for implementation of classroom renovation and upgrades with the stakeholders on campus including the Provost’s Office, Registrar, Facilities Management, and Informational Technology. Due to the nature of construction and scheduling, the committee may need to suggest minor modifications in renovation priorities to PACCS Committee. The sub-committee usually meet four times a year and as needed including written or virtual meetings.