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Provost's Advisory Committee on Financial and Administrative Management (PAC-FAM)


The Provost’s Advisory Committee on Financial and Administrative Management (PACFAM) shall facilitate communication and disseminate information among units reporting to the Provost. In addition, this committee will provide leadership in creating a community of financial and administrative managers that emphasizes service, professionalism, and support.

Below are goals that PACFAM has established in support of its purpose:

  • To identify and implement financial and administrative best practices that ensure the university upholds its fiduciary responsibility by utilizing resources in a prudent and efficient manner;
  • To serve as a clearinghouse for information concerning potential changes in financial, personnel, and administrative policy and procedure;
  • To develop, organize and promote professional development and training activities for financial and administrative managers on the Norman campus;
  • To provide an open communication line between University administration and PACFAM members, including other units seeking the committee’s counsel and recommendation;
  • To advise the Provost regarding the development of financial, personnel, and administrative management issues, as well as proposing solutions to operational obstacles.


Provost's Office  Ex-officio: Lizi Young

Meetings: Third Thursday of every month

Email: Distribution List (


Units Represented by PAC-FAM

Arts and Sciences
Atmospheric & Geographic Sciences
Earth & Energy
Fine Arts
Graduate College
Honors College
International Studies
Journalism and Mass Communication
Professional and Continuing Studies
University College

Admissions and Records
Bursar's Office
Carl Albert Center
Faculty Senate
Financial Aid Office
Museum of Art
Oklahoma Museum of Natural History
Provost's Office
University Libraries
Norman Campus Programs at Tulsa
World Literature Today