Department: Marketing & Supply Chain Management
Program Area: Retailing, Distribution, Consumer Behavior
Office: Adams Hall Room 1P
Phone: (405) 325-5916
Address: 307 W. Brooks, Room 1P
Norman, OK 73019
Personal Website
Professor Emeritus

PhD (Northwestern) Professor Kasulis has served in awide range of administrative positions at the Price College at the University of Oklahoma. These include serving three terms as Associate Dean, Director of the MBA Program, Director of the Division of Management, Director of the CBA Certificate Program, and Director of CBA Executive Programs, CBA Coordinator of Advanced Programs in business.
Dr.Kasulis has been active in national management education associations. He has been Chair of the board of trustees of the Graduate Management Admission Council and has served that organization in a variety ofo ther capacities, including being Vice Chair of the board of trusteesand Chair of the Research and Test Development, Educational Programs,Trusteeship, and Strategic Planning Committees. He has also served oncommittees of the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Businessand the Association of Directors of Doctoral Programs in Business aswell as on the National Advisory Panel on Graduate Management Education Innovation.
Hisresearch focuses on retailing/channel strategy and consumer behavioral research. Articles have appeared in a variety of academic journals,i ncluding the Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of the Academy ofMarketing Science, International Journal of Logistics Management,Journal of Advertising Research, Journal of Business Research, EuropeanJournal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Channels, Retailing IssuesLetter, Energy Journal, Journal of Resources and Energy, Oklahoma BarJournal, and Journal of Leisure Research.
His consultative activities have been in retailing (convenience, gift,restaurant, grocery, furniture, discount department store, automotive, and hardware), services, and media (magazine, newspaper, and radio) as well as non-profit organizations. He has been selected for United's Who's Who of Executives and Professionals and Beta Gamma Sigma and is a member of the American Marketing Association, Academy of Management,and Academy of Marketing Science.