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Four members of the Price CFA team and coach Jason Turkiela
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Division of Finance

The Division of Finance at the Michael F. Price College of Business enjoys a top echelon international reputation for the quality of its faculty. Current faculty in the Division have published more than 30 articles in the Journal of Finance, the Journal of Financial Economics, the Review of Financial Studies and the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis; and more than 100 articles in other major finance and economics journals. A recent study in the Journal of Finance Literature ranked two of its present faculty members as being among the 50 most prolific authors in the top seven finance journals.  No other public university in the Big 12, Big 10, or SEC could match this record. Another survey rated the Finance faculty as one of the most productive research groups at a public university.

Current faculty in the Division have also been the recipient of major research excellence awards and prizes at international conferences and otherwise, including Best Paper Prizes from the Chicago Board of Trade, the New York Stock Exchange, the International Association of Financial Engineers, the Financial Management Association, the European Finance Association and others. These faculty-members have also received grants for research well in excess of $1 million from national and international research councils and other public bodies.

The international esteem of Division faculty-members is reflected by the important elected positions of responsibility they have held in major international professional associations; by the significant consultancy they have undertaken in their respective areas of expertise, both nationally and internationally; by the several international conferences they have Chaired or Co-Chaired; and by the key note addresses they have given at important professional events.

The research areas of the finance faculty include privatization, derivatives, risk management, hedging, market microstructure, international finance, and corporate finance.

The Center for Financial Studies is an important reason for the prolific research activity of our faculty. Seminars take place almost every week during the semester with faculty presentations from the University of Oklahoma and elsewhere. For example, the center has recently brought people from MIT,Duke, University of Texas, Boston College, University of Michigan, and many others.

In addition, The Finance PhD Program has grown very strong in the last few years. We have placed people as faculty in top universities and in the private sector.

The Finance Division faculty work arm-in-arm with students to create valuable business insights and strengthen the economic opportunities for our state and beyond.

The Price College Finance Division seeks to prepare its Ph.D. students for successful careers in research and teaching. We strive to help them obtain tenure track positions at top academic institutions or research oriented positions at private companies or governmental agencies.

Our most recent Ph.D. placements:

Purdue University
University of Tennessee
University of Missouri
SUNY Buffalo
Iowa State University
University of Wyoming
Lehigh University
Monash University
Hofstra University
Wichita State University
University of Warwick
Cambridge University (two-year post-doc)
Southern Methodist University (two visiting professors)

Starting salaries have averaged about $200,000 for nine months with most also receiving guaranteed summer support and moving expenses.