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Student Advising & Support

Student Advising & Support

The University of Oklahoma College of Professional and Continuing Studies has your back when it comes to your education.

Your academic advisor will help you excel academically, graduate on time, find your ideal path, and take important steps toward your dream career.

In addition to helping you meet degree requirements and choose courses, your advisor’s biggest contribution is helping you explore your interests, determine your best path, and take advantage of opportunities on campus and beyond. You should meet with your academic advisor at least once per semester.

Undergraduate Academic Advising

From the moment you're admitted to the College of Professional and Continuing Studies through your graduation date, you will be supported by our advising team.

Stylized crimson line.

Director of Student Success & Retention Services

LaDawn Jones
(405) 325-6421

Director of Academic Advising & Comp Exams

Kacee Butcher
(405) 325-1023

Business Administration & Organizational Leadership

Student Last Names A through L
Shelby Cole 
(405) 325-1259

Business Administration & Organizational Leadership

Student Last Names M through Z
Joedi Hall
(405) 325-2226

Criminal Justice & Integrative Studies

Stephanie Pitchford
(405) 928-8078

Healthcare Management, Aerospace Defense, Construction Management, & Learning and Education Studies

Emily Arias
(405) 325-2688

Stylized crimson line.

How advising works

Advising is a partnership between the student and the academic advisor; it is essential to the academic experience and vital to student success. Academic advisors are the primary contacts to the OU student community; using a student-focused, holistic approach, advisors guide and support students in achieving their academic, personal, and professional goals.

Students are fully engaged in their academic experience by making informed decisions about their academic, professional, and personal goals.

Role of the Advisor

  • Guide and support students in achieving their academic, personal, and professional goals throughout their OU student experience  
  • Develop a strong working relationship that promotes students' growth 
  • Assist with developing an academic plan that meets degree requirements for the successful completion of the degree and the maintenance of good academic standing
  • Connect students with appropriate campus resource offices and/or faculty to provide additional support as needed
  • Monitor progress toward educational goals and degree completion.

Role of Student

  • Take ownership of their academic experience 
  •  Familiarize themselves with student services and academic resources at the university  
  • Seek out appropriate campus resource offices and/or faculty to provide additional assistance as needed
  • Actively seek out professional development opportunities by engaging with faculty, campus career resources, and alumni
  • Learn and adhere to  institutional policies and procedures and deadlines that govern  undergraduate study ranging from drop/add dates and withdrawal deadlines to academic and student conduct policies.