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Login Nodes on Schooner

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Login Nodes on Schooner

The table below lists all the servers through which you can access Schooner. Click here for instructions on how to log into the OSCER machines.

Node Name
schooner.oscer.ou.eduUnless you're told otherwise, you should log in to this login node name. This is actually an "alias" for the three login node names just below. When you log in to this name, the supercomputer automatically chooses the best login node of the three just below, to get you the best performance possible.
schooner1.oscer.ou.eduLogin node #1
schooner2.oscer.ou.eduLogin node #2
schooner3.oscer.ou.eduLogin node #3
dtn2.oscer.ou.eduData mover node: please use this system when performing large file transfers.