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SRNML Capabilities Overview

SRNML Capabilities Overview

Imaging systems in the SRNML provide the opportunity to examine the internal and external organization of biological and physical sciences specimens from the macroscopic to the supramolecular level.

Please follow the links below for more information regarding our capabilities and log into iLab to schedule equipment.

Advanced light imaging, including laser scanning confocal microscopy and fluorescence microscopy, provide the capacity to locate specific molecules and structures, in some cases within a 3-dimensionally reconstructed image. Our ultramicroscope is a versatile and quantitative reflected light microscope useful for a wide range of materials.

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) provides external information about surfaces of specimens. At low magnifications, SEM provides excellent clarity. Because of its high depth of focus, objects up to 1 cm are in focus, unlike light microscopy. Furthermore, our dual-beam focused ion beam system allows simultaneous imaging and milling of nanoscale structures or slices through samples.

Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) provides the highest available resolution available in the Lab for internal details of cellular structure in biological specimens and phase boundaries in metals, ceramics and geological specimens at a sub-micron scale. 

Electron beam methods provide additonal capabilities such as elemental identification and mapping through energy-dispersive X-ray analysis and crystalline phase identificaiton through elecron diffraction, electron backscatter diffraction and/or high-resolution lattice imaging.