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Attribute-Assisted Seismic Processing & Interpretation

AASPI logo with red border.


Attribute-Assisted Seismic Processing & Interpretation


AASPI logo.
Next Annual meeting:

January 29-30, 2026

Univeristy of Oklahoma campus


Students in graduation gowns holding diplomas.
Upcoming Spring 2025 AASPI defenses

Hy Tran (MS) - March 24, 2025 1pm

Marcus Maas (PhD)  April 10, 2025 12pm

Researcher in front of classroom at a computer teaching software.
Questions & IT contact

2024-2025 Academic Year

The full student group sitting and standing in the computer lab.
AASPI Fall 2024 updates

The AASPI group has continued to grow - with the addition of several new AASPI developers.  Well log capabilties are on the near horizon, with the new AASPI help chatbot to be making a debut soon.

AASPI researchers standing in front of the OU seal.
AASPI new release!


AASPI's mid-year 2024 software update has been released. Details of the release and current plans, as well as IMAGE 2024 presentations are in our note to sponors (pdf).

Evan and Dr. Bedle standing in front rainbow colored images of his research.
Evan Jowers defends his MS!

Congratualtions to Evan Jowers for his very successful defense on his MS work entitled Application of 4D Seismic Attributes to Monitor Reservoir Fluid Movement and Production Discrepancies: Maui Field, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand!

April and Dr. Bedle standing in front of methane research poster.
April presents at DOE's Methane symposium @ OU

PhD student April Ward-Moreno showcased some of their work as part of a multi-disciplinary team to assess, evaluate, and plan for improved measurement and detection of methane sources in Oklahoma.

AASPI logo of a white snake wrapped around a pi symbol.
AASPI YouTube Channel

If you haven't subscribed yet - head over to our AASPI YouTube Channel!   In addition to research presentations, we cover best practices, as well as quick overviews of our published research (see the TLDR playlist), and quick overviews of seismic attributes!

AASPI reachers gathered together.
Welcome new AASPI students!

AASPI is thrilled to welcome SIX new graduate students and two new visiting scholars! Our new RAs will be focusing on well log capabilties, synthetic seismic volumes for attribute and ML testing, as well as beginning work on our web application version of AASPI!


Diana Salazar's MS defense
Satinder Chopra's use of Spectral Balancing
Karelia La Marca's PhD presentation

2023-2024 Academic Year

Alex and Heather with Boomer mascot.
Congrats to 2024 AASPI Graduates!

Congratualtions to Alex Vera (PhD), Jacob Maag (MS), and Pamela Blanco Dufau (MS)! Now go do great things!!!

PRofessors standing on stage in front of red OU banner.
Dr. Bedle awarded OU Presidential Professorship

AASPI PI Dr. Heather Bedle was awarded the very selective honor of a Univeristy of Oklahoma Presidential Professorship for her dedication to mentoring and research.

Alex and Dr Bedle stand in front of a screen holding paperwork.
4/2024: Alex defends his PhD!

Congrats to Alexandro Vera Arroyo for defending his PhD work on:

Evaluation of machine learning algorithm accuracy in energy exploration using physics derived synthetic models

April and Pamela holding their award certificates.
4/2024: Congrats April & Pamela!

Congratualtions to both April Ward-Moreno and Pamelo Blanco Dufau for winning awards at Student Research Day for their poster presentations!

Pamela and Dr Bedle in front of a screen.
4/2024: Pamela defends her MS!

Congrats to Pameloa Blanco Dufau for her work on:

Post-migration seismic data conditioning methods on a merged dataset


Researchers standing in front of a projection screen.
2023 Annual Meeting = SUCCESS!

Over a dozen sponsors, potential sponsors, and research institutes joined us for our first in-person annual meeting in four years in January 2023! Thanks for joining & see you at IMAGE!

Karelia and Dr Bedle stand in front of a screen holding paperwork.
12/2023: Karelia defends her PhD!
April and Hy sitting in front of a computer.
Welcome to our new 2023 students!

April Moreno Ward (PhD) and Hy Tran (MS) have joined up with AASPI to delve into the world of machine learning and seismic attributes.

Dr Marfurt on stage to accept award.
Dr Marfurt awarded SEG Maurice Ewing Medal!

Congrats to Dr. Marfurt for this great honor!

Dr Bedle and students stand in front of a AAPG MidCon poster.

Hosting sessions, giving talks, and presenting posters... most AASPI students presented their latest research at AAPG Midcon in October 2023.