Machine learning applications for geoscience problems (pdf) - Rafael Pires de Lima (PhD)
Characterization of the Arbuckle-Basement system with a focus on seismic attribute images of igneous intrusions and seismic resolution, Payne County, Northern Oklahoma (pdf) - Gabriel Machado Acosta (PhD)
Unconventional Woodford Shale characterization using seismic anisotropy (pdf) - Francis Oyebanji (MS)
Petrographic analysis with deep convolutional neural networks (pdf) - Rafael Pires de Lima (MS)
Identification of sand dunes in the Early Jurassic aged Nugget Sandstone Formation in the Moxa Arch of Wyoming using seismic attributes, petrophysical modeling, and seismic data conditioning (pdf) - Drhuv Agrawal (MS - UTPB)
Seismic interpretation with the aid of deep learning (pdf) - Ho Wu (PhD - UA)
Seismic stratigraphic analysis using multiple attributes - An application to the F3 block, offshore Netherlands (pdf) - Efcan Kabaca (MS - UA)
Seismic attribute assisted quantitative unconventional reservoir characterization (pdf) - Xuan Qi (PhD)
Seismic expression of igneous bodies in sedimentary basins and their impact on hydrocarbon exploration: Examples form a compressive tectonic setting, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand (pdf) - Lennon Infante-Perez (PhD)
Seismic data conditioning and analysis for fractured reservoirs (pdf) - Abdulmohsen Alali (PhD)
Development of independent component analysis for reservoir geomorphology and unsupervised seismic facies classification in the Taranaki Basin, New Zealand (pdf) - David Lubo Robles (MS)
Geomorphologic Character of an Upper Leonardian Mass Transport Deposit, Midland Basin: Insights from 3D Seismic Data (pdf) - Paritosh Bhantagar (MS)
Machine learning and the construction of a seismic attribute-seismic facies analysis data base (pdf) - Murphy Cassel (MS)
Enhancing 3d seismic data to aid interpretation of Cree sand channels, offshore Nova Scotia (pdf) - Rustam Khoudaiberdiev (MS)
Attribute assisted seismic facies,faults, karst and anisotropy analysis (pdf) - Jie Qi (PhD)
Seismic Data Multi-Spectral Analysis, Attenuation Estimation and Seismic Sequence Stratigraphy Enhancement Applied To Conventional And Unconventional Reservoirs (pdf) - Fangyu Li (PhD)
Application of Modern 3D Seismic Data Acquired for Deeper Resource Plays to Shallower Mature Fields- A Red Fork Case Study (pdf) - Andrew Peery (MS)
Estimating Brittleness Using Seismic Data In An Unconvential Shale Reservoir, Fort Worth Basin, North Central Texas (pdf) - Megan Gunther (MS)
Unsupervised Seismic Facies Using Gaussian Mixture Models (pdf) - Roberty Hardisty (MS)
Machine assisted quantitative interpretation seismic interpretation (pdf) - Tao Zhao (PhD)
Seismic attribute analysis of depth-migrated data (pdf) -Tengfei Lin (PhD)
Improving fault images using a directional Laplacian of a Gaussian operator (pdf) - Gabriel Machado (MS)
Calibrating seismic fracture prediction using borehole image logs: Application to the Mississipian Limestone (pdf) - Stephanie Cook (MS)
Correlating rate of bit trips to 3D surface seismic data, Anadarko shelf, Oklahoma (pdf) - Joseph Snyder (MS)
Applications and limitations of seismic attributes on 2D reconnaissance surveys (pdf) - Bryce Hutchinson (MS)
Seismic data conditioning for quantitative interpretation of unconventional reservoirs (pdf) -Sumit Verma (PhD)
Fracture characterization of the Mississippi Lime utilizing whole core, horizontal borehole images, and 3D seismic data from a mature field in Noble County Oklahoma (pdf) - Trey Stearns (MS)
Reprocessing 3D seismic data for quantitative interpretation Forth Worth Basin, Jean, Texas (pdf) - Marcus Cahoj (MS)
Prestack and poststack attribute analysis of the Jeju Basin, Korea (pdf) - Olanrewaju Aboaba (MS)
Long offset seismic data analysis for resource plays (pdf)- Bo Zhang (PhD)
Geological and Geophysical Analysis of Structural and Stratigraphic Characteristics of Post Mississipian Age Sediments Within the Northeastern Fort Worth Basin, Texas and their Basin Scale Significance (pdf) - Rachel Ann Petit (MS)
Seismic solutions for unconventional resource plays (pdf) - Shiguang Guo (PhD)
Seismic Attribute Expression of Fluvial-Deltaic and Turbidite Systems (pdf) - Brad Wallet (PhD)
Attribute analysis of the Time vs Depth-migrated seismic data application to Renqiu field, China (pdf) - Tengfei Lin (MS)
A production calibrated reservoir characterization of the Mississippi Lime in a mature field utilizing reprocessed legacy 3D seismic data, Kay County, Oklahoma (pdf) - Daniel Trumbo (MS)
Seismic attribute illutmination of tectonic deformation in Chicontopec Basin, Mexico (pdf) - Onur Mutlu (MS)
Seismic Reprocessing and Interpretation of a shallow “BURIED HILL” play: Texas Panhandle (pdf) - Thang Ha (MS)
Integrated Geophysical and Geological Studies of Selected Major Tectonic Features in South-Central U.S (pdf) Hamed Alrefaee (PhD)
Latent space classification of seismic facies (pdf) - Atish Roy (PhD)
Quantitative geophysical investigations at the Diamond M Field, Scurry County, Texas (pdf) - Oswaldo Davogustto (PhD)
Brittleness estimation from seismic measurements in unconventional reservoirs :Application to the Barnett Shale (pdf) - Roderick Perez (MS)
The value of reprocessing legacy data: A case study of Bois D’arc, A Mississippi play in north eastern Oklahoma (pdf) - Mark Aisenberg (MS)
3D Marine Seismic Processing for Interpretation of the Jeju basin, South Korea (pdf) - Dalton Hawkins (MS)
3D Seismic Attribute expression of the Ellenburger group Karst-Collapse features and their effects on the production of the Barnett Shale, Fort Worth Basin, Texas (pdf) - Alfredo Fernandez (MS)
Prestack seismic analysis of a Mississippi lime resource play in the Midcontinent, U.S.A. (pdf) - Bejamin Dowell (MS)
Q estimation using spectral decomposition (pdf) - Toan Dao (MS)
Fracturing of Mississippi lime, Oklahoma : Experimental, seismic attributes and image logs analysis (pdf) - Trey White (MS)
Production correlation to 3D seismic attributes in the Barnett Shale, Texas (pdf) - Melia Da SIlva (MS)
Integrated characterization of the Woodford Shale in West-Central Oklahoma (pdf) - Nabanita Gupta (PhD)
Prediction of reservoir quality with seismic attributes in Eocene submarine conglomerates (calclithites), Mexico (pdf) - Araceli Romero (MS)
An integrated seismic, geologic and petropysical approach to characterize the Red Fork incised valley fill system in the Anadarko basin, Oklahoma (pdf) - Yoryenys Del Moro (MS)
Noise suppression using preconditioned least squares prestack time migration and imaging of Mississippian limestone (pdf) - Shiguang Guo (MS)
Integration of surface seismic, micro-seismic, and production logs for shale gas characterization: methodology and field application (pdf) - John Alzate (MS)
Production-induced changes in reservoir geomechanics (pdf) -Sunday Amoyedo (PhD)
Depositional history and reservoir charateristics of structurally confined fordeep turbidites, Northern Chicontepec, Mexico (pdf) - Supratik Sarkar (PhD)
Suppression of aliasing artifacts on 3D land data via contrained least-squares migration (pdf) - Alejandro Cabrales (MS)
Fault mechanism and rock strength determination in the Sele formation shale cap rock through inversion of a 3D seismic in the Forties field, North Sea (pdf) - Aliya Urazimanova (MS)
Subsurface and experimental analysis of fractures and curvature (pdf) - Evan Staples (MS)
Removing footprint from legacy seismic data volumes (pdf) - Oswaldo Davogustto (MS)
2010 and before:
Seismic attribute analysis and its applications on data from Canada, Mexico, USA and Vietnam (pdf) - Ha Mai (PhD)
Seismic attribute analysis of unconventional reservoirs and stratigraphic patterns (pdf) - Kui Zhang (PhD)
Induced fracture detection in the Barnett Shale FT. Worth Basin, Texas (pdf) - Amanda Thompson (MS)
Evaluation of 3D seismic attributes and post and poststack inversion methods: Pennsylvanian granite wash reservoir charecterization case study, Texas (pdf) - Ana Martins (MS)
Correlating deliverability to lithology fualts fractures and cleats in coalbed methane exploitation (pdf) - Jeremy Fisk (MS)
Challenges in mapping seismically invisible Red Fork channels,Anadarko Basin, OK (pdf) - Rachel Barber (MS)
Integrated Geophysical Investigations of shallow igneous bodies Chicontepec basin, Mexico (pdf) - Victor Pena (MS)
Hydraulically-induced microseismic fracture characterization from surface Seismic attributes and seismic inversion Ft Worth Basin, TX (pdf) - Xavier Refunjol (MS)
Seismic attribute illumination of the Woodford Shale Arkoma Basin, OK (pdf) - Yanxia Guo (MS)
Integrated geophysical investigations of linkages between Precambrian basement and sedimentary structures in the Ucayali Basin, Peru; Fort Worth Basin, Texas; and Osage County, Oklahoma (pdf) - Bunmi Elebiju (PhD)