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Video presentations from AASPI Researchers

Researchers at AASPI annual meeting sitting around a table talking.
AASPI 2024 Research Videos

A few research talks given in 2024 by AASPI Researchers:

Explainable AI for seismic facies classification - 15 minutes IMAGE 2024 talk

Using AASPI seismic attributes to visualize channel facies - 6 minutes case study

Principal Component Analysis in AASPI - 7 minutes case study

Deepwater Channels - Seismic Attribute and ML - 18 minutes SEPM talk

Integrating Explainable AI for multiattribute seismic facies machine learning - The SHAP method - 55 minutes - Geological Society of Houston Spring 2024

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All  video presentations and tutorials are on the AASPI YouTube channel

Annual Meeting Videos:

Dr. Marfurt's SEG Distinguished Lecture:

AAPG Distinguished Lecture 2021-2022

2021 & 2022 Conference presentations:

2021 EAGE Conference on Seismic Interpretation using AI Methods

Unsupervised machine learning for interpreting shelf-to-basin seismic geomorphology and paleoclimate - Sumit Verma and Shuvajit Bhattacharya

Machine learning for fault identification - So many methods! So many faults! - Heather Bedle, Christ Ramos, Edimar Perico, and Jose Pedro Mora

Using synthetic seismic data to quantify uncertainty in machine learning - Karelia La Marca, Heather Bedle, Kurt Marfurt, Laura Ortiz, Lisa Stright, and Rafael Pires de Lima

2020 Conference presentations:

2020 SEG Annual Meeting

Seismic interpretation of structural features in the Kokako 3D seismic area, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand
Edimar Perico and Heather Bedle

Application of seismic attributes and machine learning for imaging submarine slide blocks on the North Slope, Alaska
Shuvajit Bhattacharya, Miao Tan, Jon Rotzien, and Sumit Verma

Multispectral aberrancy
Bin Lyu, Jie Qi, Fangyu Li, and Kurt J. Marfurt

Constructing fault surface objects from fault sensitive attributes
Jose Pedro Mora, Heather Bedle, and Kurt J. Marfurt

Machine learning techniques applied to angle stacks for seismic facies classification
Clayton Silver, Heather Bedle, and Matthew Rine

Application of unsupervised machine learning techniques in sequence stratigraphy and seismic geomorphology: A case study in the Cenozoic deep-water deposits in the Northern Carnarvon Basin, Australia
Laura Oritz Sanguino, Javier Tellez, and Heather Bedle

Automatic horizon picking using a jigsaw puzzle strategy
Bo Zhang and Yihuai Lou

Automatic seismic fault surface construction using seismic discontinuity attributes
Bo Zhang and Yihuai Lou

Machine learning model interpretatability using SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP) values: Application to a seismic facies classification task
David Lubo-Robles, Deepak Devegowda, Vikram Jayaram, Heather Bedle, Kurt J. Marfurt, and Matthew J. Pranter

Comparing convolutional neural network and image processing seismic fault detection methods
Bin Lyu, Jie Qi, Xinming Wu, and Kurt Marfurt

Seismic attenuation measurement by sparse-pulse decomposition of seismic images
Yichuan Wang, Kurt Marfurt, Igor Morozov, and Heather Bedle

Seismic attribute optimization for deepwater facies in self-organized maps (SOM) analysis
Karelia La Marca-Molina and Heather Bedle