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Brett Carpenter

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Brett M. Carpenter

Brett Carpenter

Willard L. Miller Professor 
Associate Professor of Geosciences

Ph.D., 2012, Geosciences, Pennsylvania State University
M.S., 2007, Geosciences, Pennsylvania State University
B.S. ed., 2005, Earth & Space Science, Physics, Mansfield University of Pennsylvania

Office: SEC 934

Areas of Interest

Structural Geology, Experimental Rock Mechanics, Induced Seismicity, Remote Sensing, Scientific Drilling


My research interests focus on how fault structure and small-scale processes affect large scale fault and crustal behavior. I am particularly interested in the behavior of earth materials at shallow to central crustal conditions, where destructive earthquakes originate and propagate. This research has applications to natural hazards forecast and preparation, energy development, and carbon sequestration. My primary research method is combining structural observations from outcrops and boreholes with laboratory experiments to determine the mechanical, hydrologic, and acoustic properties of different Earth materials, many of them collected from faults worldwide.

Curriculum Vitae

Courses Taught

GEOL 1114: Introduction to Physical Geology for Science and Engineering Majors
GEOL 1104/1114: Introduction to Physical Geology – Field Intensive
GEOL 3003: Structural Geology and Stratigraphy for Petroleum Engineers
GEOL 3114: Structural Geology
GEOL 3333: Geowriting
GEOL/GPHY 5970: Fractures, Faults and Earthquakes
GEOL 5970: Structural Geology Seminar

Selected Publications

Google Scholar

*Student or Postdoc Manuscript

*Kibikas, W.M., A. Ghassemi, and B.M. Carpenter (2021), Evaluating the mechanical properties of carbonate and evaporite caprocks in the Sichuan Basin, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences X, 6, doi:10.1016/j.jaesx.2021.100063.

*Karam, P., S. Mitra, K. Marfurt, , and B.M. Carpenter (2021), Synthetic transfer zone characterization using seismic attributes, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand, Interpretation, 9, doi:10.1190/int-2020-0138.1.

Hamilton, M., B.M. Carpenter, C. Johnston, F. Kolawole, S. Evans, and D. Elmore (2021), The damaged and altered basement of northeastern Oklahoma; Implications for induced seismicity in the midcontinent, Journal of Structural Geology, 147, doi: 10.1016/j.jsg.2021.104330.

Zoet, L.K., M Ikari, R.B. Alley, C. Marone, S. Anandakrishnan, B.M. Carpenter and M. Scuderi (2020), A framework for glacial stick-slip seismicity, Geophys Res. Lett., 47, doi:10.1029/2020GL088964.

*Firkins, M., F. Kolawole, K.J. Marfurt, and B.M. Carpenter (2020), Attribute assisted characterization of basement faulting and the associated sedimentary sequence deformation in north-central Oklahoma, Interpretation, 8, doi:10.1190/INT-2020-0053.1.

*Chen, Xf., B.M. Carpenter, and Z. Reches (2020), Asperity failure control of stick-slip along brittle faults, Pure Appl. Geophys. 177, doi:10.1007/s00024-020-02434-y.