Under the leadership of Vijay Kanagala and Simon Hara, the following ideas were discussed during NCORE 2007 (San Francisco):
- More APIA sessions at NCORE; increase programs offered for next year
- Balancing cultural and advocacy awareness agendas by student groups
- Apathy among APIAs
- Creating a sense of community: PAN APIA groups
- Intra and inter group collaboration among student groups of color and APIAs
- Asian American Studies Program: Future, issues/challenges, pipeline for APIAs
- APIAs and identity development: “acting White”
- Representation of APIAs in liberal arts and sciences: Ways to increase enrollment
- Where are PIs in APIs? Strategies to increase Pacific Islanders at NCORE
- Recruiting to attend NCORE
- Invisible minorities on college campuses: PI, South East Asians
- Diversifying curriculum: K-12 and post secondary, esp. humanities
- Inter-caucus collaboration at NCORE
- Issues related to APIA men, esp. PI men: unfair expectations
- Race relations: Moving away from a binary paradigm (Black-White): How do we work towards a human race?
- Mentoring and networking agendas need to be strengthened