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Asian Pacific Islander Caucus
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  NCORE 2004 Program Cover: Parallel Promises by Humberto Calzada. API Caucus   

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Parallel Promises

Parallel Promises (Promesas Paralelas), a 23" x 17" Serigraph (Limited Edition) by Humberto Calzada. Humberto was born in Cuba in 1944 and has lived in the United States since 1960. In 1966, he received a degree in Industrial Engineering, followed by an MBA in Finance (1968) from the University of Miami. He began painting in 1972 and since 1974 has dedicated his time exclusively to painting. His work has been said to carry on the classical Latin American artistic tradition: dreamlike realism, tension created by the contrast between calm and conflict, and the use of timeless symbols as a universal language. Throughout his career, he has applied these themes through architectural imagery. He depicts harmony through the use of natural elements, and he depicts conflict through the opposition of the ephemeral movement of light and water against the static force of stone and glass. For more information about the artist and his work, please visit the web site at