are some ideas discussed during NCORE 2004 (Miami) for possible
implementation during the next conference:
event to provide feedback or raise concerns about racist
remarks in keynote addresses and sessions (such as references to API as "over-privilege," "honorary
white," or "yellow privilege;" the exclusion
of API references in speeches; and the use of "yellow" to
refer to all API, or some other forms of stereotypes).
institute to address "we
are not white."
session on the expectations by whites of API people related
to race relations and issues; and the source of these
expectations or assumptions.
session focused on educating others about the API community.
panel from various racial and ethnic groups to discuss their
personal experiences with race issues.
session focused on building bridges or coalitions with other
racial and ethnic groups.
session on issues related to immigrants, refugees, and international
Asians (all with different agendas, class distinctions, varying
internalization of white perspectives, and varying perspectives
related to their "visitor" status).
- The
following people were suggested as potential keynoters: Haunani-Kay
Trask (professor of Hawaiian Studies at the University
of Hawaii), Mililani
Trask (Native Hawaiian attorney), Grace
Lee Boggs (activist, writer, and speaker), Vijay
Prashad (author and professor), Judith
Liu (professor of sociology at the University of San Diego), Jack
Tchen (Director, Asian/Pacific/American Studies at NYU), Gary
Okihiro (Professor of International and Public Affairs
at Columbia University), Jessica
Tarahata Hagedorn (novelist, poet, multimedia and performance
artist), Chang-Rae
Lee (award-winning novelist and professor of creative writing
at Princeton University), Peter
Nien-chu Kiang (professor and director of Asian-American
Studies at the University of Massachusetts at Boston), Doris
Ching (vice president for student affairs at the University
of Hawaii), LuoLuo
Hong (Dean of Students at UW Madison), Michael
Thornton (professor of Asian Studies at UW Madison), and Bob
Suzuki (president emeritus at Cal Poly Pomona).
API Institute will be in its third year at the
NCORE 2005 Conference, which is a tribute to those who have contributed
to its success. NCORE is very committed to the continuing implementation
of the Institute.
to NCORE 2005, New York represents a particularly exciting venue
for the Institute due to its potential for encouraging cross-cultural
and collaborative understanding of race relations in real-life
It would be exciting for example to develop an experiential program
in New York whereby we can take strategic parts of the program
to different parts of New York (such as Chinatown) and offer our
participants an experiential or working understanding and knowledge
of real issues facing people. Perhaps we can visit a youth center
(thanks Jay for this idea) to understand youth, immigrant, educational,
and social issues, or organize a town's meeting of sort to discuss
racial or ethnic "territorial" issues, or select special
places in the city where participants can witness first-hand and
understand race and class issues in real-life situations.
you have ideas about how to organize next year's Institute or
wish to be Institute presenters, please work with Charles or Sriyanthi
(the national co-chairs). New York residents Jack Ling and Melinda
Aquino are willing to work with all of us in curricular and program
development as is Jay Minh Alt (our diligent past co-chair).