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Asian Pacific Islander Caucus
Promoting & Empowering Asian & Pacific Islander Americans

  Ideas Discussed during NCORE 2003 (San Francisco) API Caucus   

Steering Com

Major Workshop Ideas

A minimum of three workshops focusing on API issues were discussed during NCORE 2003:

  • Identity, internalized oppression, and leadership (Jean Wu, Tufts University)

  • Leadership (Greg Toya from UC Davis and Dan Balon from University of Maryland)

Concurrent Workshop Ideas

Several caucus members agreed to submit proposals on the following topics. They are as follows:

Topic Author/Presenter Institution
Political and social activism Melinda Aquino New York University
Media representations Dawn Lee San Jose State University
Hate crimes Tim Chiu Sonoma State University
Career preparations Charles Sasaki Chaminade University
Coalition building Amnat Chittapong Siena College
Generational issues Mary unknown
South Asians Dimple Patel Northwestern University
API male identity Jay Alt Minh & others Purchase College
Greek system Anita Poon UC Davis
Transracial adoption    

Dialogue Session Ideas

Here are some ideas discussed during NCORE 2003\:

  • "Talking Stories: Sharing our Asian Pacific Islander Experience" (Jay Minh Alt, Pam Chao, and Lorraine Chow).

  • Identity of men of color (John Day from Georgia State University and Jay Minh Alt).

  • "The Real Minority meets the Model Minority" (Nancy Cha).

If you have an idea you wish to present as a dialogue session, please let Charles Sasaki or me know.