The Beginning of a Journey
My childhood was a whirlwind. I was born in Los Angeles, grew up in Mexico until I was six, all before moving back to the U.S. My journey in dance started with Mexican Folklorico.

OU’s School of Dance is nation-leading in ballet and modern dance training, so I knew it wouldn’t be easy to get in; I actually didn’t make the cut after my first audition. But I persisted and am now proud to be training and dancing with some of the best in the world.

Connecting with My Roots
OU is one big family and there’s a place for everyone. I was able to find friends within my program, but it was my experience with Mr. & Miss Hispanic OU that showed me just how welcoming and diverse the OU Family is.

Dancing Around the World
One of my favorite things I was able to do with OU was study dance abroad in Spain. It was a wonderful experience because I got to learn about their dancing culture, which is quite different and beautiful.