iFAST Special Series
iFAST Theoretical Ecology
iFAST Theoretical Ecology is celebrating Dr. Simon Levin’s 80th birthday by honoring his outstanding contributions to theoretical ecology. It will cover three of Simon’s major research themes with the following sessions: (i) epidemiology, (ii) biodiversity and conservation, and (iii) cross-disciplinary science. The structure of the symposium emphasizes the legacy of Simon’s accomplishments in these topics as well as highlights the newest research directions that stem from that legacy.
iFAST Marine Environment and Ecosystem
Marine covers ~70% of the Earth surface with average depth of 3,800 m, it provides the largest habitats for life to thrive, serve as the core to sustain the habitability of the Earth. Under the climate change circumstances, the ocean and its ecosystem are evolving. This symposim will bring senior and young scientists together to discuss various aspects of marine and its ecosystem development. The symposim will include three sessions: I. Biogeochemical processes in the ocean and the sustainable development.; II. Extreme ecosystems in the ocean; and III. Marine ecosystem under climate change.
iFAST Environmental Biotechnology
iFAST-Environmental Biotechnology is celebrating Dr. Perry L. McCarty's 90th birthday by honoring his outstanding contributions to environmental biotechnology. This special symposium will be spread among three days, December 16-18, 2021, 2.5 hours each day (3:00-5:30pm UTC/GMT).