Facing Challenges
The University of Oklahoma has many resources available to help students who are facing challenges. We are sorry that you are experiencing difficulties, and we are here to support you through this time. For that to be possible, we have to be aware of your situation.
Listed below are action steps to help you get back on track after a family or personal crisis. Please know that the OU community cares about you, and that no matter how difficult things are for you right now, we are here, ready and willing to help.

Step 1: Inform your professors of the situation
Although they may seem intimidating at first, your professors are concerned with your wellbeing. It is entirely up to you to choose how much information to share about your personal situation, but at minimum, they need to be aware that something out of the ordinary is going on in your life so that they can take steps to assist you in minimizing the impact your situation may have on your time in class and working on classwork.
Step 2: Contact Compass Network
The purpose of our office is to aid OU students in overcoming any potential barriers to their success. Meeting with Compass Network gives you an opportunity to share your situation in a one-to-one meeting and be connected with any resources on campus that can support you during this time. You will work with someone to discuss potential next steps and create a personalized action plan. To make an appointment or for more information, call (405) 325-8103 or email compassnetwork@ou.edu.
Step 3: Record and keep documentation of your situation
Depending on your specific circumstances, there are campus resources available to make life more manageable during this time. Some of these resources will require you to document your circumstances. This can be done by keeping doctors notes, funeral programs, bank statements, or any paperwork, pictures, etc. that you feel tells the story of what is going on in your life.
Step 4: Talk to someone
It is a lot harder to navigate difficult circumstances on your own. Consider who you would feel comfortable sharing your situation with. Maybe this person is a friend, campus mentor, or spiritual leader. Don’t feel comfortable sharing with anyone you know personally? OU offers affordable counseling through the University Counseling Center. Call (405) 325-2911 or visit their office on the 2nd floor of Goddard Health Center for more information or to make an appointment. You don’t have to handle challenges on your own. Your OU family is here for you!

Thinking About Leaving OU?
The University of Oklahoma wants to provide every resource and opportunity possible for you to finish your degree with us.