The success of our students is one of the most important measures of OU’s overall success. The definition of success is different for each student, but most students come to Oklahoma with the goal of completing an OU degree. Every member of the University community shares the responsibility for creating an environment of assistance and support that provides each student with the maximum opportunity to complete a degree through continuous enrollment.
We believe each student admitted to OU is capable of attaining a degree and is entitled to a broad spectrum of support services, including advising, involvement in learning communities, valuable mentoring, equitable resources, and outlets for personal growth and development.
We coordinate various initiatives, fostered by this collective effort, aimed at impacting student success. Some of these initiatives are listed below.

Task Forces and Working Groups
A network of working groups and task forces comprised of administrators, faculty, staff and students at all levels throughout the University community come together on a regular basis to discuss potential roadblocks and challenges to student success and to develop individualized success plans for students in need. University-wide policies and procedures are reviewed for any unintended impact to degree completion. Many of the ideas generated from these groups are implemented through the Graduation and Persistence Support team.
Intentional Student Support
We are committed to assisting students facing issues that could impact their success or degree completion. Our team works collaboratively with University partners to ensure care and support for our students. Our Compass Network program supports undergraduate students on an individual basis. To find out more information about our partnership with the Behavior Intervention Team BIT click here.
If you know a student in need of assistance, submit a Compass Network referral located here.
Are you concerned about a student who is thinking about leaving the University or is experiencing a personal crisis which requires a cancellation or complete withdrawal? For more information on this process, click here. Please note, in extreme circumstances, an individual other than the student may complete a cancellation or complete withdrawal petition on the student's behalf.
Continuous Enrollment and Retention Programs
Once a student has committed to attending the University of Oklahoma, we have also committed to their success. Continuous enrollment is key to degree attainment. We want to support each student in their persistence from semester to semester.
GPS works with members of the OU Advising Community to contact undergraduate students who are eligible to enroll for an upcoming semester but have not done so. The conversations are focused on keeping our OU students continuously enrolled, assisting them in resolving holds, offering individualized support and encouraging momentum to degree completion.
Graduation Support
We are committed to helping students attain an OU degree.
The Graduation Hotline is a program designed to aid upperclassmen in successful and timely completion of their OU degree. Students with an advanced number of hours may reach out to our staff to discuss any obstacles that may delay their graduation. Distinctive from degree mapping and course planning done with an academic advisor, our staff will work with students to remove roadblocks to enrollment, provide enrollment assistance for any must-have courses, and explore alternative and possible accelerated pathways to degree completion. We also address financial challenges which be prohibiting the ability to cross the degree finish line. Contact the Graduation Hotline at (405) 325-0841 or gps@ou.edu.