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Mental and Physical Health

Mental & Physical Health

When embarking on a study abroad experience, many students can overlook just how much their mental health can be impacted by the stressors of living in an unfamiliar culture and environment. Many times, mental health conditions can be exacerbated by these stressors and the lack of usual support networks like friends and family, or readily available counseling and psychiatric services. We request you proactively and attentively plan for how you’ll attend to your mental health wellness while abroad. The following resources along with Education Abroad's Self-Care Plan Checklist (PDF) can help you to plan on the best ways to support your mental health while abroad.

Physical Health is one of the most crucial elements to ensuring a positive and successful study abroad experience. Physical health and wellbeing are important for not only those with preexisting health conditions, but also in the case that you become ill while abroad or have any kind of accident requiring medical attention. Countries around the world differ greatly when it comes to local public health concerns and the types and levels of healthcare that are available, so before you depart for studying abroad, we encourage you to utilize the following resources to plan for a healthy study abroad experience.

OU Campus Resources

Get connected with OU campus resources! These services can be valuable, even while you are abroad.