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LGBTQ+ Identities

LGBTQ+ travelers can face unique challenges when traveling abroad. Laws and attitudes in some countries may affect safety and ease of travel. Legal Protections vary from country to country and many countries do not legally recognize same-sex marriage. More than seventy countries consider consensual same-sex sexual relations a crime, sometimes carrying severe punishment. We recommend utilizing the following resources to help understand more about LGBTQ+ health in safety around the globe:

Trans Identities Abroad

Studying abroad can be a great time to learn about gender identity and expression across the world and forge connections and alliances across cultures. For transgender and non-binary students, the decision to study abroad can raise many questions, so we invite you to use these resources to learn more about what being abroad might look like for you. 


Please note that roommate assignments are determined by the sex indicated on the student’s passport. If you have any inquiries or apprehensions, kindly contact the Program Coordinator.

For students wishing to update the sex indicated on their passport, please refer to this resource: Passport - Selecting your gender.

OU Campus Resources

Get connected with OU campus resources! These services can be valuable, even while you are abroad.