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Disability and Accessibility

Disability & Accessibility

For students with a disability or accessibility needs, studying abroad can seem like a very daunting idea or even something that might feel out of reach. Whether your disability is apparent or nonapparent, studying abroad is possible and available to you! We are committed to providing you with the resources to help you find the best study abroad program that meets your needs and fulfills your study abroad goals. 

If you need additional resources outside of those that are linked below and feel comfortable disclosing your disability to someone in the Education Abroad office, please do not hesitate to contact us at or reach out to your study abroad advisor directly.

  • How are people with disabilities are perceived in your intended host country? 
  • What level of accessibility can you expect and what types of resources will be available to you while abroad? 
  • What are the local disability and accessibility laws?
  • What laws and regulations does your intended country have surrounding service animals? 
  • Does your intended study abroad location have ramps, curb cuts, and accessible public transportation? 
  • Is there the availability of sign language interpreters and other disability services in your intended study abroad location?
  • Does your study abroad program or host university provide accommodations? If so, what are the procedures to request accommodations? 
  • Will you have access to your medication while abroad?
  • Can you get a supply of medication for the duration of your program before you go?

OU Campus Resources

Get connected with OU campus resources! These services can be valuable, even while you are abroad.