John Bonner McBreen, a journalism major who graduated from OU in 1971, died at the age of 68 in March 2018. Known as "Mr. Gallup," McBreen was quite the radio legend in Gallup, NM.
Upon his death, Gaylord College was notified that we had been gifted unrestricted funds from his estate. The gifts he gave to our college will make an enormous impact on our students and the education they will be provided for years to come. Read more about John Bonnar McBreen and his incredible genorosity.
Currently, two Gaylord instructors have podcasting practicums in place to cover how to use the equipment and how to make the most out of the studio.
The John Bonnar McBreen Multimedia Center will be available for rent in three-hour increments and will be managed by The Cage, an equipment and student resource within Gaylord College.
The studio will be open: