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Glenn Leshner

Glenn Leshner

Edward L. and Thelma Gaylord Chair in Journalism

Glenn Leshner

Office: Gaylord Hall 3520B

, Stanford University
, University of South Carolina
BA, Rutgers University

Leshner’s research informs communication regulatory science (CRS), focused on the study of cognitive and emotional processing of media, particularly in the contexst of health messages. He currently directs the OU PRIME Lab (Psychological Responses to Information and Media Effects), located in the Center for Applied Social Research at the University of Oklahoma. Leshner and his students conduct cutting-edge research in the OU PRIME, which incorporates psychophysiological measures (e.g., heart rate, skin conductance, facial expression analysis, eye tracking) to the study of media processing and effects. He has produced more than 170 articles, book chapters, and conference papers, and has published in top journals such as Communication Research, Media Psychology, Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, and Health Communication. Prior to arriving at OU in 2015, he served more than 20 years on the faculty of the Missouri School of Journalism. Leshner received his Ph.D. From Stanford University, his M.M.C. from the University of South Carolina, and his B.A. from Rutgers University.
Check out his research lab at OU PRIME Lab: