The Student Business Forum is an opportunity for students to share their business ideas with the OU community. Student businesses may wish to present at the forum to practice for the statewide Business Plan Competition, to find partners, to find employees, to find customers, or just to share their ideas and receive feedback. Students should come to be inspired, to meet entrepreneurs in the early stages of their ventures, and to learn from their peers. Though we are happy to host the forum to bring together students and student businesses, we do not endorse the hosted businesses, their ideas, or their products or services.
Requirements to Present:
- The Entrepreneur Society reserves final editorial discretion over the Forum's proceedings. The Forum is a reviewed process and prospective participants must apply to present.
- Student businesses must contact the Entrepreneur Society and request an appointment to audition their presentation. At the audition student businesses must give a prepared ten-minute presentation about their business. Within ten days the group will be notified whether or not it was accepted.
- To apply for an audition, a student business must have among its principal leaders, currently enrolled students at the University of Oklahoma who own at least 50% of the business.
- Once enough student businesses have been approved, a location and time will be selected for the Forum.
How to Present:
- Presentations must be prepared and well rehearsed.
- Presentations must be professional.
- It is a good idea to think of presentations as practice for the statewide business plan competition. Groups should prepare and perform at that level.
- By the end of the presentation, it should be clear to the audience what a group offers and what they are asking for. If a group wants partners, they should state that. If they are looking for employees, they should say how others should apply. If a business wants customers, they must tell them where to order. By the end of the presentation, it should be clear what a group wants from the audience and what they will offer for it.
- Presently, we plan to offer fourteen minutes to each group. Ten-minute presentations with four minutes for Q&A are recommended. Groups must clear the stage at the end of their session in time for the next group to present. Groups that attempt to run over their allotted time will be cut off.
© Copyright 2006 - The Entrepreneur Society