Twelve hours (minimum) in one of the following areas – Interdisciplinary Educational Studies (with a specified topical focus), Philosophy of Education, History of Education, Sociology of Education. At least nine hours of the Major must consist of EDS courses, but neither Foundational Core coursework nor Research Proficiencies coursework may count toward the Major.
Minor: nine hours minimum in any field(s) (such as an applied, disciplinary, or interdisciplinary specialty) directly relevant to the topical focus of the major and of the dissertation. Neither Foundational Core coursework nor Research Proficiencies coursework may count toward the Minor.
When deemed appropriate to the dissertation by the Advisory Committee, a student may substitute for one of the above courses one more appropriate research course from any of the following departments: Anthropology, Communication, Educational Psychology, English, History, Philosophy, Political Science, or Sociology.
Plans for Dissertation Inquiry (3 hours) Three minimum, one course minimum, to be completed following admission to doctoral candidacy)
Remaining hours to bring degree total to 90. May include master's credit, additional electives or other coursework.
Total hours required = 90
Maximum number of Dissertation Hours = 15 (Minimum Number of Dissertation Hours = 6)
Research Proficiencies count as part of the hours for the degree.