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Remote Teaching Resources

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Remote Teaching Resources

From weather to illness or a family emergency, there are a number of situations that might require you to temporarily take your class online with minimal notice. This guide provides you with key actions and resources to help you make that shift as quickly and seamlessly as possible.

Start with Canvas

Publish your Canvas course if you have not already done so, and use Canvas as a class hub for instructions and communications with your students. Review this video introduction for setting up your Canvas course.

Six Tips for Canvas & Zoom

Once your course is published, continue building by focusing on three essential areas. Revise your syllabus and be sure it is uploaded in the Syllabus section of your course. Be sure all course materials are available and organized logically in Modules. Organize and update your gradebook, and be sure to regularly post grades for assignments and assessments. Learn how to complete each of these essential Canvas activities by reviewing the videos and linked articles. Our sixth video provides an overview for settting up and using Zoom.

1.) Introduction to Canvas

2.) Communication in Canvas

3.) Organizing Material in Canvas

4.) Assignments in Canvas

5.) Quizzes in Canvas

6.) Introduction to Zoom

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