Instructional Videos
The Office of Digital Learning's media and video production facility equips traditional academic units at the University of Oklahoma with heightened teaching and learning capabilities through training and high quality production.
We empower faculty to produce course introductions, video abstracts, research and teaching statements, segmented lectures and other creative video and media solutions that faculty bring to the table.

Work Examples / Galleries
View the course introduction "Explore U.S. History" below or see all of our course introductions on the CTE Course Introductions playlist here.
View "Using Tablets to Teach" below or see all of our instructional technology videos on the Office of Digital Learning Instructional Technology playlist here.
View the first video of our four-part series "Producing for the Green Screen" below and click here to see the rest of the series on our playlist.
Learn about the fantastic service centers and initiatives taking place at the University of Oklahoma here. Below is the OU "Welcome from the Provost" video.
Below is an overview of the online courses U.S. History 1483 & 1493. Click here for more information on our U.S. History Survey.
University of Oklahoma President David Boren gives us an introduction to the political science signature courses below. Meet the other political sciences professors and their courses here.
Extended Services
Although we target traditional academic units within the University of Oklahoma, we accommodate production for non-academic, research, grant funded and private sector, units, if there is sound justification for a teaching and learning emphasis. Competitive pricing does apply for non-academic units.
The media lab and video production studio help faculty and academic departments with new media implementation, high quality video production, graphic and motion graphic design, as well as photography. Consultation and training are provided to both faculty and staff.
William "Biff" Farrell
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