They began by asking Air Force members to categorize each of the sub-areas,
policy issues, base installation issues and family service issues. Four 7-interval
bipolar adjective pairs were used in this portion of the survey: unimportant-important;
of no concern-of much concern; irrelevant- relevant; and insignificant- significant.
The involvement measure is an adaptation of Zaichkowsky’s (1985) issue
involvement instrument, which has received excellent reliability ratings in
past research (Pfau, Holbert, Zubric, Pasha & Lin, 2000).
The next three areas on the survey focus on a group of ten communication forms
/ venues. Respondents were asked to rate each venue in terms of use and credibility
using 10-point scales. Use has been a problematic measure in past studies. Researching
media in terms of exposure or frequency alone is inadequate (McLeod & McDonald,
1985). Chaffee and Schleuder explained, “exposure to news media has traditionally
been the focus of survey research related to public affairs” (Chaffee
and Schleuder, 1986, p. 78). Thus, the use measure combined exposure and attention.
The question of source usage, was posed first, i.e. 1=very rarely to 10=very
frequently. The second area of the survey measures attention paid to the list
of ten media sources using the following scale: 1=very little attention to 10=
very much attention).
Media use by receivers in this research will be based on a number of factors
such as education, time in the Air Force, and the receiver’s informational
needs. There are a number of ways to categorize media usage. Exposure refers
to how often (frequency) a specific media is consumed. Preference can be defined
as the selection of one or more media as a favorite option for information or
entertainment. Reliance could be defined as a measurement of the extent to which
a receiver uses one or more media versus other available media for information
or entertainment. Attention refers to the concentration of perception during
message processing. Attention can also be used to refer to the active selection
process in using content among messages (Chaffee & Schleuder, 1986).
Source credibility is an integral part of the communication process (McCroskey
& Young, 1981). In addition to use, the survey asked the respondents to
rate the same ten media sources in terms of perceptions as credible sources
of information. The following bipolar adjective scale was utilized: 1=very little
credibility to 10=very great credibility.
The remainder of the survey consists of four questions. The first is a ‘satisfaction
thermometer’ in which zero equates to no satisfaction with the Air Force
and 100 equates to most possible satisfaction with a respondent’s service
in the Air Force. Respondents are asked to fill in a number which reflects their
satisfaction. The second question uses the same ‘thermometer’ approach.
It asks respondents to rate the probability of reenlisting beyond their current
tour of duty. Zero represents absolutely no chance and 100 represents absolute
certainty. Respondents are asked to fill in a number which reflects the probability
at that moment.
The remaining two questions deal with demographics about the respondents. The
first is a yes or no question asking if the respondents are currently in their
first term of service. The final question asks the respondent to identify the
number of years in the Air Force. The last two questions will help identify
the experience levels of those who complete the survey.
Independent Variables
Involvement levels of the receivers gets to heart of this research. This variable
is a direct link as to their level of processing. High involved receivers are
more likely to use the direct route to message processing with low involved
receivers more likely to use the peripheral route (Petty & Cacioppo, 1986a).
Literature Review
Capstone Team 03D2